Saturday, March 4, 2017

Two Pokémon Notebooks

At the same event that I visited last Sunday, I passed an indie booth that sold all kinds of notebooks decorated with anime pictures. Lo and behold, two of them were Pokémon notebooks. Looking at them, I couldn't resist picking them up, especially because they were low in price. Even so, I think the designs on the notebook are clever and eye-catching.

The first notebook very much has a retro feel as it features a scene of the anime in the Kanto saga and the first-generation Pokémon. And to show it off, I have to take three pictures:




The Pokémon motifs in this notebook are everywhere; the front and back covers are totally unique, and Pikachu is on every page of the notebook. I wouldn't use it for any practical purpose, though, which is not a problem, since I don't mind leaving it as is as a collector's item.

The second notebook is a Pokédex-themed notebook:

This one is simpler, as the front and back covers are the same, except in different directions. Also, the inside is drab and plain, unlike the first one. It's still something neat to have.

It's fantastic to see that even an indie stall at an event can offer well-designed items nowadays, and these Pokémon notebooks certainly fit the bill. I'm glad that I was able to pick them up when I did and to make them part of my collection.

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