Friday, June 8, 2018

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 6/8/2018

After last month's event rollup for Pokémon Go, I felt that this could be useful to some degree to recap and recollect a few of the events that have occurred or are occurring in the game, especially if some of them are not major enough and thus may not merit an extended discussion. So this month, I've decided to do it again. Right now is a perfect time to do so, as a few events have made their way through the game.

What is perhaps the most phenomenal event in recent memory has to be the entry of Alolan Forms, starting with Exeggutor's. So phenomenal, in fact, that the event also lasted for a phenomenal period of only about half a week, after which the form was no longer seen. It's an exceptionally short period, which was perhaps a bit too short for some, as some couldn't get ones with good stats. Though the event was short, the impact will perhaps be felt for quite some time; because of its unique typing and stats, it may become a good battle fodder - something I found to be true - and its unique shape will be something that players will continue to show off, which is still true as I still spot the form in several nearby Gyms. Whether or not it will return is anyone's guess, but it may become an expectant one for that.

The week before, on May 24, a different event dubbed "Adventure Week" had started. This is somewhat of a misnomer, since the event ran for two weeks and just ended on Tuesday. The event in any case featured Pokémon of the Rock type with greater appearances by them - save for the Exeggutor-Alola interlude, which could explain the length of the event - including in raids as bosses, and in research task rewards. The latter is an important point, because the focal point of the event is the fossil Pokémon of the first generation and the addition of all their Shiny forms. One task in particular offered an Aerodactyl for evolving an Omanyte or Kabuto, which led me and my raid group to seek and list as many of these tasks as possible so that we could gather three of them, then complete them all in one shot for three possible shots at a Shiny Aerodactyl, though we weren't always lucky. And yet we took full advantage of them.

Just today, an event called the "Water Festival" started, which as can be guessed, features Water-type Pokémon, including special appearances as raid bosses, which does include a return of Kyogre as the top-level boss, along with a possible Shiny form (and therefore the things that may be entailed by this). In other fronts, Water-type catches reward triple Stardust and Egg hatches reward double Stardust and candies. One of my raid fellows has suggested that if things are set up just right, one could find oneself awash with Stardust, and that may just be a good thing. All the parts of this event look very rewarding, and I'll be sure to take advantage of them as much as I can up until its conclusion.

Like before, this has been a pretty eventful run. It's hard to conceive what things would be like without these events, and it's probably best not to. The important thing is to reap all the possible benefits from them and to enjoy the ride. And then, when the next run of events comes along, it will be time to repeat the process... and to prepare another one of these event rollups.

One year ago: Poor Zygarde

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