Monday, March 4, 2019

A Mew Pouch

It wouldn't be a great convention yesterday without some great (Pokémon) merchandise, and here's one. When it comes to this kind of merchandise, I'm not overly picky about what I can or can't get, so yesterday I got this Pokémon pouch featuring Mew. There are quite a bit of good things about it, which is why I got it so I can discuss it in a post on this blog.

This pouch is actually one of a series of Pokémon pouches that feature a few different Pokémon. The other featured Pokémon include the seventh-generation starters and a couple of the fourth-generation starters. I got Mew because... OK, it was a bit late when I got it, and there was only it and Chimchar remaining. But honestly, I already had my heart set on Mew since I saw it for the first time, so it wasn't quite a loss. And it wasn't because it's "pretty in pink" either, but I'm sure that's a selling point for this particular pouch.

The pouch is closed and opened by manipulating the upper part and the rope loop. For a pouch, it's rather roomy; the base is 20 cm and the height is 24 cm. I could conceivably put my 3DS case in there, but I won't. However, I can already think up of a few usage scenarios for the pouch, which may or may not involve Pokémon. As for Mew itself, it's really expressive the way that it's depicted with an extreme close-up of its upper body. Its stare really affirms the presence of Mew for whoever sees or uses the pouch.

The vendors of the pouch said that the pouch was (or is) actually available for pre-order to feature other Pokémon than the ones seen at the convention. However, the process of creation would be uncertain and the fee for shipping would be as expensive as the pouch. After some consideration, I thought it wasn't wise - at least for now - to follow through on this offer, and I got the Mew pouch as planned. Someday I may decide to follow through that offer, but for now Mew suffices.

As I've said, I'm not too picky on Pokémon merchandise - I take whatever can be gotten. This one is rather satisfactory, looks really great, and can be used in different ways. I'd say that's good enough, maybe until the other Pokémon featured on pouches look at me in the eye and say they're good enough for me to have as well.

One year ago: How Do I Live, Without You?
Two years ago: Two Pokémon Notebooks

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