Monday, March 25, 2019

All I Learned with Pokémon

The other day, I posted about something that I may have (and did) learn from Pokémon games. It almost reminds me of a list that has been made once of someone's experiences learning from early years of schooling... and in fact, it does. I also suppose it might be perfectly applicable to my journey with Pokémon. I won't mention all the items in the list directly - containing and explaining them all within a post would make it far too long, and there may be other issues involved - but I can "shoehorn" all the items into three things that encapsulate pretty much most of the list.

The first is "be nice, be clean". The games and anime illustrate many good examples of being nice even when others aren't, and these are good things to take away. In the face of Pokémon battles, it's far better to treat it with good sportsmanship and stay on good terms with each other. As for being clean, this is hard to interpret in relation to Pokémon, but at least I've got one good interpretation also involving the element of cosplay. Being nice and being clean remains something important when considering good relationships with others.

The second is "all in moderation". Pokémon has many things going for it, and there's a sense of a good thing that one should not be caught up entirely in one thing. This may be hard for others, including myself with all of my businesses in and out of Pokémon, but to follow this to some extent is still good enough. Within the games, there is also a sense of balancing efforts - in particular, creating teams - which then may lead to successes all around instead of by just one specific manner. In general, keeping things in moderation is not only a good thing itself but also may bode well for other good things.

The third is "look and wonder". Adventure is something inherent to Pokémon, even if it's a very little amount in some cases. The prospect of an adventure demands one to be curious and cautious, and therefore one is demanded to look in order to stay in line. But by following this tenet, one may be at times be rewarded with wonder, like a mystery Pokémon that flies across the sky, or a paradise for certain groups of Pokémon. Thus to look is a good thing, and if that leads to wonder, that may just be a great thing indeed.

The original list from which these things are derived is neat in itself as it represents good things and important things that are discoverable, even very early in life. The same discoverability seems to apply well to Pokémon, even when those things are condensed for consideration of applicability. At least, if not through early years of schooling, I've managed to learn about them through Pokémon, and they're something I hope to keep learning (or rather, reinforce) as my Pokémon journey continues.

One year ago: Pokémon Go Community Day, 3/25/2018
Two years ago: "Grow Old Along with Me..."

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