Monday, April 30, 2018

A Sun & Moon Doujin Manga

I've said in my post about doujin and indie stuff that some of them can be as good as official things; now here's a real doujin manga that is just that. It was first sold at a convention that took place earlier this year but far, far away, but then suddenly it popped up on what was really the first day of the event that took place yesterday. Needless to say, I went ahead and bought it so I could discuss it here, which does indeed mean that I sneaked onto the event on the first day for a preview as well.

One of the two people involved in this doujin manga is actually a fellow Pokémon player from my local group and it was this person as well who alerted me to the fact that it was being sold at the event. It should be noted that I saw another one of the person's creations take first place in the manga competition for this very event. Based on that, this Pokémon doujin manga should be good stuff, right?

And it is. Everything is so neatly designed that it's quite semi-professional in nature. Even the first few pages had some color as well, just like some professional manga. The typesetting on the pages are excellent, and the layout of the extra pages is typical but minimalist, yet effective. Overall, it almost could pass up for an official creation, though it really isn't.

As for the story, this manga is entitled the "Kanto Episode" for a reason: it is in effect a (possible) continuance of the events after the endgame of Sun and Moon. Without going into much detail, the story involves Lillie and some trials and tribulations in Kanto. And yes, Ultra Beasts are involved, almost becoming a crux of the story. It's quite entertaining, and I finished it in one sitting; that's how good it is.

I quite like this doujin manga. It's evident that the creators have put in lots of effort to make this manga what it is, as an imagining of what might happen beyond the end of the game. And given the achievements of one of the creators, it's not hard to expect that more excellent works may be coming from the person. If one or more of those excellent works are Pokémon-related, then I might just happily show my support with a purchase so that both of us may be pleased.

One year ago: Cosplay: ComiCamp 2, Day 2

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