Sunday, June 21, 2020

Another Anime Dream

It is no secret that I live with Pokémon each and every day, and with that, it is even present in my dreams. One of those in the past involved the anime, which seemed as if it was taken straight out of it, or in a way comprised an episode of it. Last night, I had another dream involving the anime, only this time it involved me as one of its viewers. There was also a slight relationship with what I deal with regularly, which is languages, also one of the reasons for the conception of this blog. With that, I deem it appropriate for a discussion in a post here.

In the dream, I was watching the Pokémon anime on a TV, which actually hasn't happened recently - perhaps more on this later. The episodes were on a disc provided to me by someone, almost like a "mixtape" of sorts when those were all the rage. The disc contained two episodes, one of them relatively older and the other relatively newer; the newer episode appeared to involve the Legendary Pokémon Latias, and the other was the "ancient puzzle" episode from the Kanto saga. Oddly enough, regarding the languages spoken in the episode, they were mixed but somehow understandable; each character would speak their lines in languages I have knowledge of, including those that I'm connected to but don't know very well. I enjoyed the viewing experience so much that when I woke up I felt disrupted; it gave me pause to think about what had just happened and I proceeded to record it as a draft post on this blog.

The Pokémon anime being dubbed into a number of languages is nothing new, as it is popular all around the world and may need to accommodate its viewers anywhere with the process. What is weird is to have some of those languages in a mixture as in this case; no dub production anywhere in the world would do such a thing. However, despite this occurring in the dream, I was able to understand everything perfectly and enjoy the episodes as if I knew well the languages that even I don't know well, as well as the ones I know well. This seems to speak to me as a linguist and a translator, in that if I can execute what I do well, the finished results will work out well for those who make use of them. It may not have to be completely perfect, but it should approach perfection and be the best that it can possibly be, much like the ways of life of Pokémon Trainers. Such seems to be the case for the dubbed episodes in the dream, which I enjoyed even as outlandishly as it might seem.

This dream was both fantastic and unusual in that it involved something that I like, which is the Pokémon anime and in particular watching it, as well as a circumstance for it that is beyond ordinary. Even with the latter, enjoyment for the former still came about. An intense fan like me can't ask for much more than that enjoyment, but there were also certain takeaways for beyond that enjoyment, specifically for my hard skills. I must say that Pokémon is such a blessing in this regard, being both pleasant and insightful in my life and dreams.

Three years ago: Resets and Redos

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