Thursday, May 17, 2018

Beyond Gyms and Trials

For six generations, the main series of Pokémon games had an unchanging paradigm: beat eight Gyms, get eight badges, and go for glory. The seventh-generation games changed that to a structure of trials and grand trials, after which progress accordingly follows. It's a welcome and/or drastic change, depending on how one looks at it. And yet, this structure may be open for interpretation or expansion in later-generation games.

Since the Z-Move system is likely here to stay as with Mega Evolutions, it might as well remain part of the structure or paradigm; the Z-Crystals themselves are effectively progress markers for it. That said, the concept of "trials" may be kept as is, lending the system a continuity, or it may be renamed to suit the area concerned. This is where interpretation comes in, to allow the structure or paradigm to be refitted slightly with whatever new conceptions might be included. Certainly, at this point, there are still many possibilities to regard this.

As for expansion, the natural path for this is incorporating the structure or paradigm into a fourth-generation remake in place of or as a supplement to Gyms. Sure, it might decrease faithfulness to the original games, but then previous remakes have always had some departure from the originals, and while admittedly this would be a major departure, there might conceivably be a smart way to integrate it into the bones of the Gyms. As with the above, actual execution depends on the possibility that is chosen to be realized.

The "trials" concept along with its structure has undoubtedly presented something refreshing and quite different that is more than just Gyms. It's a big change, considering the long and illustrious history of the latter. The open question now is how the execution of integrating the structure will be in future games. After six generations, this paradigm shift in the seventh generation has become a change that marks it. Players might just be due for more in the next generations to come, depending on whatever is coming.

One year ago: A Pokémon Pencil Bag

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