Monday, May 7, 2018

Pokémon in Poké Balls Stickers

I love Pokémon, and I love Poké Balls. They go hand in hand, naturally; it's hard not to think of the other when thinking of either one. So these stickers at the theme event from yesterday are a sure thing to be gotten. Three of them could be gotten in one set for a special price, and I decided that only that amount was sufficient, even though I could stand to get more. That seems OK, though.

The three stickers I chose to get are of Pikachu, Ivysaur (pretty sure, since the bulb is open to the red flower but the flower is still somewhat closed), and Snorlax. There was a Magikarp one that looked like it was either Shiny or not, but I didn't get that one. Anyhow, the ones I got seem to be the best of the lot, and that's saying something; there were many of these stickers, but there were also many duplicates, some of which were in better state than others. These were picked based on that consideration.

The art style of the Pokémon appears cutesy and light, but that's understandable, since they seem to have just "appeared" out of their Poké Balls and therefore look lax as a result. The Snorlax one is notable for appearing upside-down (when the ball is in the correct orientation) and extending outside of the ball. It's apparent that these Pokémon are depicted not to their usual scales, but to the scale of the ball. Thus some accuracy is sacrificed for appearance, but that seems to work well.

Artistically, these stickers have some merit. Considering accuracy, these stickers are a bit off. And yet, the latter appears to be less of a problem than the former. Anyone who likes Pokémon as much as me are likely tempted to get them, and I did, thanks to their appearance in the event. On the off-chance that these stickers reappear, then I'd be tempted to get more, given my appreciation of Poké Balls and Pokémon in general.

One year ago: Cosplay: J-COSHOKAI 2 - Utsukushii Hana

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