Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Friendship and Community

By now, unless one is living under a rock, Pokémon fans should know that the competitive series for the main series games this year has been canned due to the current difficult conditions. Those conditions may be quite depressing for many people, including the aforementioned fans as well as myself. However, there is one particular concession that has been made. This was detailed in the parting words of a bulletin that concerns the cancellation announcement:
"We hope that the spirit of friendship and community that are the hallmarks of our amazing fans and these events continue during this challenging time, and that you take care of yourselves and of each other."
What this means is that friendship and community are not only present among the fans, but also important and is what characterizes them. They are tied by the appreciation and interest they have for Pokémon, and they find ways to unite and organize. Moreover, they are what make the fans incredible. Many fans, including me, already do find Pokémon incredible, but to say the fans are as well is quite a statement.

Friendship is already an incredible thing, something I can attest often. It was a friend who made me feel good about continuing efforts in Pokémon, including this blog. A certain friend was also responsible for introducing me to a specific main series player community, which I still treasure today. I've even become a mutual friend to a few great Pokémon fans in their own right. That would be no less than incredible, I'd say.

Community too, for me at the least, has been an incredible thing for Pokémon, despite the occasional "moments". It becomes the place to share trials and tribulations about the games, fun details about appreciable things, and even happenings in the now. Anything that happens as part of these may be considered part of the dynamics of participating in one or many. Regardless, the above happenings are remarkably incredible for the community aspect.

The current situation is already difficult enough to deal with, and the cancellation of the main series competitions nearing their peak is even more difficult. However, Pokémon fans by the above statement has been regarded as having something special in the way they tie others together, and that is uplifting enough to warrant the continuance. It has been said that togetherness is a form of "amazing energy", and it seems I and other Pokémon fans can vouch for that.

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