Sunday, May 26, 2019

Gatherings for Blessings and Success

Me: Well, I said earlier that there would be a long break for some things, but I didn't exactly say I can't send you to a few things, like for watching the movie.

Ash: It's just as I suspected. But it's OK.

Pikachu: Pika! [remarking]

Ash: Pikachu seems to agree.

Me: Sure. So yesterday and two days ago there were two gatherings that took place in the same place - oddly enough - but for different objectives. One was for blessings (on Friday), and the other was for success (on Saturday), which are two good things to have.

Ash: And you sent me to both!

Me: Indeed. The first one was for blessings. You were not alone - a couple of other characters took part as well. One of the intents was to give a little something to people who really need it. Did you?

Ash: I did! We all gave a few. I think the people liked it!

Me: Great! As long as they do, they should appreciate it. The other intent was just to link you up with a few... or maybe many of my friends that I see at theme events, conventions, and so on. That's a blessing in itself, don't you think?

Ash: Yeah - I've never seen so many people in one small space! Do you really always link up with every one of them?

Pikachu: Pi! Pika? [curious]

Me: Well, not really, but quite a few do. And these are just the people in my local area. There are more in other areas, but I didn't send you for obvious reasons. This single gathering is just fine.

Ash: And then you sent me again for another one the next day, in the same place!

Me: Right, but that's with different people and for a different objective: success. Part of that success involved a singing competition, which I had you take part in.

Ash: Oh! Let me guess - you gave me my Unova outfit, so it's "Best Wishes" again?

Me: That is correct. But since there was an opportunity to sing at most two songs, I also had you sing "Together", since it was convenient. This also means that it's the first time I've sent you to sing two songs in one competition.

Ash: I love it! It takes a bit more to sing two songs than just one, but it's fun too. I nailed the introduction this time too - and I sung both of the songs almost perfectly. You should've seen it! I'm sorry that I didn't ask someone to help record it.

Me: That's OK. Next time we should, though. Besides singing, there was also an open forum for one of the past theme events or conventions that I sent you to. The hope is that the theme event or convention can be more successful in the future.

Ash: That's always good. I told them what you think, and I think many people have almost the same comments. You think they'll consider it for next time?

Me: They should; it's the "success" part. Now, what about our own efforts to succeed?

Ash: This should be great: SECOND PLACE!!

Pikachu: Pika pika!!! [extremely happy]

Me: Oh my! Yes! This is our first success in the singing competition, and we did it with not one, but two Pokémon songs! Earlier I had questioned a bit about our place in it, and it seems that this proves we indeed do have a place, especially with Pokémon.

Ash: I want to sing more too. Can I?

Me: Yes, we'll try to take part as much as possible with this one. We'll still take part in performances and parades too, since that's our real aim. So these two gatherings, they've accomplished their purposes.

Pikachu: Pika... [amazed]

Me: Neat, huh? There's still quite a bit of the long break to go, but this has been excellent.

Ash: I think so too! I really didn't mind being sent to them. I guess you'll keep sending me?

Me: Sure do. Good things beget good things, and these gatherings are just that.

One year ago: Reconsidering Trade Evolutions
Two years ago: What's Appenin' (Mobile Games)

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