Monday, May 25, 2020

Safe, Pleasant, and Beneficial for All

I've noted that yesterday's occasion of Community Day for Pokémon Go fell on a special day, and it was, at least for a good group of people. It's actually a day I've indirectly approached for a couple of older posts; it's a day with a lot of meaning for those people, though I suppose it can't hurt to involve Pokémon. This year, I want to consider something I've become aware of in the times leading into this special day, and that something is three very good qualities appropriate for those times that I'd also like to identify for Pokémon, for which the qualities are aptly in the title of this post.

The first quality is "safe". Pokémon has always appealed to everyone - children, teens, adults - everyone, even if the associated battles may get a bit too wild for some. It intends itself to be safe, and that's a good thing to be maintained. It has, in a way, "repented" from gambling, which is a good move directed to salvation. One of the guidelines for PokéStop nominations is the exclusion of unsavory adults-only places, which further confirms that safety is to be maintained. In any case, this safety has to be appreciated and to remain, for without it, some of the appeal would be lost.

The second quality is "pleasant". With the appeal as above, there are certainly bound to be pleasantries. It may be for an individual seeking achievements in the single-player games, two people seeking to outdo each other in battles of different kinds, or a group seeking to overcome the challenges of raid battles. Good results that happen are certainly the pleasantries to be sought. One may also just "enjoy the ride" through the entertainment that things like the anime and collectibles provide. There are many ways Pokémon can be pleasant, and that has to be a good thing.

The third quality is "beneficial". Pokémon can and does provide an outlet to do or even make good things. I have this blog to write in, but others can draw, shape, or create different things, and that has to be good for those who create as well as appreciate; it may even be impressive considering the whole of Pokémon. Meanwhile, done right, all good activities involving Pokémon can and do keep away people from doing bad things, which should be regarded as a good thing - I've even got additional, separate views for this. I'm sure that if one wills it, Pokémon can and is a good thing for all.

A special day like the one that occurred yesterday demands commemoration of special things, like the three good qualities that have been mentioned above. They're all special qualities that when applied generally are valuable for people and their relationships. Yet as much as this is so, I can't help but think it applies to Pokémon as well in an equally valuable manner. I consider that a great thing for my relationship with Pokémon, and perhaps it would do for others to realize this as well. Special day or not, they are worth remembering at any time for the good of everything.

Two years ago: Read, Play, and Enjoy
Three years ago: A Camera and a Pikachu Doll

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