Sunday, September 8, 2024

On Getting Rained Out and Rained On with Pokémon

Well, somebody had something to do with Pokémon today, and for those who frequently read my blog, it should be pretty easy to figure out who. But the discussion format I would usually use is getting a bit stale, so I'd like to mix it up a bit. And the way to do that is by factoring in something that had a significant impact on that today: rain. It's a topic that has been discussed both literally and figuratively, but this time I want to frame it within that "something to do", which involved getting "rained out" and "rained on".

For the getting "rained out" part, today it seemed that Kyogre decided to show up somewhere in my local area and bring forth its Drizzle, which is admittedly refreshing after a long time without its "presence", yet for some people, it may have caused them to back out of some certain plans, and in my case, some of those plans involved Pokémon. Fortunately, I had other Pokémon plans standing by, perhaps unlike some others whose certain plans were their only plans... making them "rained out", essentially.

As for the getting "rained on" part, a few Gyarados seemed to want to take part in the fun and make the rain as even as possible, so they performed a Rain Dance and brought the rain over to different places, including the location of my other Pokémon plan. The result was intense rain that slightly affected the progression of that other plan yet also confirmed the getting "rained out" of the initial Pokémon plan. In this way, that other plan got "rained on", though fortunately not "out" - although it could easily have been.

Still, there's nothing like a bit of discussion to put some things into perspective.

Me: Isn't that right?

Ash: I was there for a part of it!

Goh: Oh, were you? So that means... 

Me: Well, let's not go there. But for those other plans, you got something, right?

Ash: I think you'll like it! And it may just beat spending more for nothing. 

Pikachu: Chu pika. ["Think about it."] 

Me: Nice job, then, even with all the getting "rained out" and "rained on" people in my area has been having. 

Goh: It can be wet and wild sometimes in your area, can't it? 

Me: Tell me about it.

It's inevitable that some places will receive their rains - by Pokémon species doing their things or otherwise - which in some cases, like today in my local area, will lead to the "raining out" and/or "raining on" of things, such as the plans that I and others had today. Yet for this Pokémon fan, if some of those plans still involved Pokémon to some capacity and managed to be accomplished to certain extents, then the "raining out" and/or "raining on" may just be an added Pokémon dimension to whatever other dimensions are already present.

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