Friday, May 17, 2019

A Wonderful PikaWorld

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world...
-- "What a Wonderful World", Louis Armstrong

I've written a lot about the new Detective Pikachu movie over the past few days. In fact, I've written about them for a full week, if this post is included, which happens to be so. So I think it's time to be writing about other things Pokémon. But before that, I'd like to close with another piece of musical oddity. A month ago, I discussed three songs that became the background music of certain trailers for the movie. I have to say that there is one more, which came to my attention after I wrote the post. That would be the the song I've quoted above.

This song practically needs no introduction; it's one of the most popular jazz songs of all time. There have been many covers and renditions of it, but the most popular remains the original as above. It's a slow song that evokes pleasant imagery, which rather explains its popularity. In the back of my mind, there has always been the inkling that the song could be somehow be made related to Pokémon, but I wasn't sure about the "how" until the trailer for the movie appeared with this song. And I have to say that the interplay of scenes from the movie along with the song is rather appropriate and visionary. The trailer itself is titled "What a Pikachu World", but considering the song itself, I've taken the liberty of referring it as I've written for the title of this post.

Incidentally, the song had also been used in order to market Indonesia as a tourist destination, with the "Wonderful Indonesia" campaign. Likewise, advertisements that featured the song had a slew of pleasant imagery that evokes the song. Pretty much the only other connection is the "wonderful" portion, but the messages are more or less the same: there are wonderful sights to see, whether it's for a tropical country vying to be a popular tourist destination or for something completely new in the Pokémon franchise. The result is a great emphasis on "wonder", which is why I have retained the "wonderful" portion in reference to the movie.

With that, I end a seven-day run of posts - the longest I've written about any topic in general on this blog - related to the new, breakthrough Pokémon feature. Conceivably, however, more can be written about it; there are many things I've yet to cover even with the posts I have written. But the rest will have to be written some other time, when I feel that it is appropriate to write about them. For now, I can revel in how wonderful the new Pokémon movie is... aided, of course, by this jazz classic.

One year ago: Beyond Gyms and Trials
Two years ago: A Pokémon Pencil Bag

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