Saturday, June 8, 2019

Pokémon Go Community Day, 6/8/2019

Being that the previous month's Community Day was only three weeks ago, some of my fellow Pokémon Go players thought it would be nice to have a bit of a break, even suggesting what Pokémon it should have in that respect. Lo and behold, they weren't far off, and this Community Day turned out to satisfy their wishes. And yet, any Community Day requires at least some effort, so this one was no different in that regard.

The featured Pokémon this month was Slakoth, which is rather known for its slowness (as is its final evolution Slaking, though the inverse is true of its intermediary evolution Vigoroth). For its final evolution Slaking, its exclusive move is Body Slam, which might be interesting to use in some cases. The side bonus for this month is accelerated egg hatching, which is always nice for those with Egg stock that needs to be hatched. As always, there is the standard Shiny form inclusion and extended Lure Modules, which should go without saying; it should be noted that the extended Lure Modules also apply to the new kinds of Lure Modules, not just the regular Lure Module. This has been the case since last month, and may be something to keep in mind for later editions, which may benefit from increased use of these new kinds.

The Shiny forms of this family of Pokémon do present a slight issue, however. The one for Slakoth is the most readily identifiable, being a deep pink that is in stark contrast to its normal-colored form. However, Vigoroth and Slaking do not show the same stark contrast; their Shiny forms seemingly appear more aglow and yellowed, but are otherwise too similar to their normal-colored forms. It may have made some of my raid fellows to not be too interested in evolving a Shiny Slakoth all the way into Slaking, as I've discerned in conversations with some of them. But it seems most were happy to evolve even just one of the Shiny forms they caught, which also depends on their productivity.

For me personally, that productivity translated into quite a lot of Slakoth captured. I did, however, release most that I caught due to them not fulfilling some specific criteria. Yet, I also freed up quite a bit of my Pokémon storage space in order to have a little freedom in captures. With that freedom also came 11 Shiny Slakoth, which is more productive than I thought it was going to be. As always, I evolved one good one and the best Shiny form I had, plus one more for possible use in other specific objectives. I've already traded away one Shiny Slakoth in the hope of obtaining a Lucky one in return, but this was to no avail. Most of the rest I captured will also be traded for that purpose, and the rest of the Shiny forms will be for "bargaining power" for other Shiny forms.

In a way, this Community Day was "on the money". Some players got what they wanted, which was a lax Community Day with a very suitable Pokémon. Other players also got more than what they expected in return, like me with the Shiny form. What is clear is that some effort was still necessary, for otherwise this Community Day wouldn't be, even though the featured Pokémon might have suggested otherwise. Slakoth still neatly paved the way for a break of some sort.

One year ago: Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 6/8/2018
Two years ago: Poor Zygarde

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