Tuesday, June 7, 2022

NADWPKMN - The Video Series: Episode #3 - The Games I Play

I mentioned in the first video on the accompanying YouTube channel (and on the write-up of the second video) that making videos takes longer than making posts on this blog, and it's (still) true. Between the Pokémon things that I do and other things that I do, that may mean being short on time to make videos or even not at all. But being that I now have a YouTube channel, and moreover to escape the "terrible twos" and a situation which will become evident later, I decided to get another episode up. So now I have that third episode, and as always, I've embedded it below for convenience.

The title and effectively topic of this third episode is "The Games I Play". As expected, the episode covers the Pokémon games. Much of it is about the present ones that I play on the Nintendo 3DS and my phone, but there are also mentions of the past and likely the near future as well. Those who are curious about just what games I play or have played might want to check out this episode. Of course, those who keep up with me on my blog will already know what I play, but the episode is still enough for an active and insightful look.

One fascinating characteristic about this episode is that it is the longest episode that I've made yet. It's nearly 11 and a half minutes in length, whereas the others have been less than 10 minutes. Yet the long length is necessary so I could show off some of the actual games that I play, and that's mostly evident in the middle portions where I do exactly that. It's also to help illustrate one of the points of my discussion, being that the Pokémon games are always being played and always relevant to Pokémon discussions just like this one.

Aside from the length and topic, the video for this episode is also a venue for experimenting my video editing skills. In watching the video, there might be a few apparent additions that weren't present in previous ones. Though it is true that so far my run of videos have been experimental in a way, that should also be evident in this one. The primary reason for that is certainly because there are things I may or do want to add to future episodes, and now I can do that on a smaller scale before taking on the same for a later episode.

Now that the "terrible twos" has been avoided, it's time to be able to run free to be able to engage my current Pokémon happenings and future ones as well. This present episode should be a fair indicator for that as well as what ought to happen in future episodes. They'll still take some time before they can show up, of course - whether by design or occurrence - but the "showing up" portion should be an affirmation now, as I commit not only to blogging but also a YouTube channel that becomes the extension for that.

Two years ago: It's a-Mario Time
Three years ago: Going Big in Galar
Four years ago: Pokémon Archetypes
Five years ago: New Paradigms

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