Sunday, June 12, 2022

Yoshinoya ID Pokémon Promo

Something that can be gleaned about Pokémon, particularly in the years that I've written about it on this blog, is that there may be all kinds of ways to create promotions with Pokémon, though some ways are arguably more effective (and amazing) than others. That would seem to apply for Yoshinoya, a chain of Japanese fast food restaurants that also has a local arm in the country and outlets in major cities where I am, including mine. And for those promotions, they've gone "all-out" this time.

I say "this time", because this fast food chain was also the one involved in an older Pokémon promotion earlier this year, one that I've written about. That one, however, can be said to be much more limited and minimal, utilizing items that already exist (leftover? TCG packs) with the (not-so-)minor addition of a Pokémon flyer. It was also more directed toward kids, as the TCG packs themselves are gained by ordering the kids meal. That was last time and four months ago; this time, it's decidedly different and more extensive.

The starting point for that would be the restaurants themselves, which have gotten a little Pokémon makeover. Many outlets now have images of various Pokémon as well as Ash attached to walls or even placed in freestanding fashion. These are not just to make the Pokémon "vibe" evident; visitors can take photos with them, upload them on Instagram Story, and be able to earn a discount on their next meal. The effort makes a fair use of social media, but then that's normal in this day and age. What's beyond normal is the other things that are involved, in the form of merchandise.

As with the previous promotion, one part of it involves the kids meal, which begets refrigerator magnets from a number of different Pokémon designs. For something a little larger, artsy, and more utilitarian, one can elect to spend, with their meal, for a canvas pouch to hold daily items or special things. The most special items are the ones that people can spend more on and are related to food, as a bowl for eating and a tumbler for drinking from. It's clear that the promotions are on a whole another level now.

For any fan of Pokémon, promotions are surely the way to enjoy the franchise while enjoying other good things in life, like great food. Yoshinoya has some of that, and their earlier promotion was just a small step in this regard. This time, the steps are much larger in their "all-out" effort, and they're noticeably much more enjoyable and should be so, both in and out of the individual outlets. And for local fans like me, they couldn't be happier to eat some great food and get Pokémon things along with them.

Two years ago: As In As All...
Three years ago: Nationally Challenged
Four years ago: Before Gold and Silver
Five years ago: Red on a Bike

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