Monday, June 27, 2022

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 6/27/2022

Well, since I've made the event rollups for Pokémon Go in previous years (see below) on this very day in the month, I might as well make it on this day again. Now, since this month has the global Pokémon Go Fest, which is unlike past years, that event effectively steals the spotlight from other events in the month. Yet it is precisely those other events that also become a defining characteristic of this month, so they continue to need to be covered, which is the purpose of these event rollups.

Hot on the heels of the global Pokémon Go Fest was the return of Adventure Week from June 7 to June 12, which as with past editions involved lots of exploration and lots of Pokémon of the Rock type, specifically fossil Pokémon. Of particular relevance this time were the debuts of the Amaura and Tyrunt species families, the respective ones of the sixth generation. They along with the fossil Pokémon of prior generations appeared in Field Research rewards, with a selection also appearing in the wild and Eggs. Raids, meanwhile, were focused on other Pokémon of the Rock type, but that is particularly fine for this event. Increased XP for spinning PokéStops (double for visited, 5x for unvisited) helped seal the deal for the event.

Adventure Week is also one of the events that are affected by the completion of this year's Pokémon Go Fest, granting it an Ultra edition. As a result, it gained the bonus of halved Egg hatch distance, Unown F joined the foray as a Level 1 raid, a Timed Research set became available, Adventure Sync rewards were increased the following week, and June 12 became a Research Day sub-event. That sub-event featured special appearances of the new fossil Pokémon in the wild, alternating over a four-hour period; Cranidos and Shieldon shared the spotlight and had greater Shiny chances, while a selection of other Pokémon of the Rock type complemented the appearances and helped to get things done.

The biggest thing yet for Pokémon Go is having it being featured in the TCG, and to celebrate that, the TCG Crossover event is held from June 16 and will end in three days. This event involves many of the related Pokémon, having them appear in the wild, including a new TCG cap Pikachu; it also serves as the debut of the Wimpod species family. Ditto and Meltan too are of special regard, the latter now being able to be Shiny again for this event with reduced Mystery Box waiting periods, and the former with new transformations. Lunatone and Solrock are also in it for global appearances, after which they will switch hemispheres like prior solstice events. Field Research features rewards of Pokémon of higher evolutionary stages, which become important for completing Collection Challenges, six starting in the first week and three in the second week. Raids naturally complemented all the involved Pokémon.

Even with the global Pokémon Go Fest edition scheduled for this month, the other events were or are in no short supply of providing enjoyment of Pokémon in different ways. One of them is even influenced by Pokémon Go Fest itself to become a grander version, while the other is just naturally grand in the scale of other Pokémon things. While the event themes are relatively less due to Pokémon Go Fest, their content is anything but, and they all still comprise spotlights in their respective ways and deserve to be told as well.

Four years ago: Leaders
Five years ago: A Little Dream

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