Monday, June 6, 2022

Prankster Possibilities

A friend and I the other day discussed a newfangled object that we had been trying out and - much to our chagrin - were slightly disappointed about. Moreover, my friend posited that the object could be used to prank people, and whoever would do it would effectively be a prankster in that regard. The main series of Pokémon games also has a "prankster" of a different kind, and it's one that may just affect certain battles as the Pokémon themselves are affected on the giving and receiving ends, and it's something that I thought of in this case.

In those games, Prankster is an ability that certain Pokémon have, for some Pokémon as a Hidden Ability and others as a default one. Its primary function is to allow status moves to have a greater priority of being able to hit first. It was introduced in the fifth generation and has been revised a few times since, the most notable addition being that it doesn't apply if the opponent is a Pokémon of the Dark type (in other words, they're immune). It's an ability that has its uses if a Trainer were to use any Pokémon that has it.

Considering the above, a Pokémon that has the Prankster ability is intended to cause mischief by having its status moves be able to hit first. That opens the door for a variety of reactions to be caused due to certain statuses being inflicted first-hand. It's analogous to more realistic pranksters that target others, with the primary intent of eliciting a reaction from the "victims" first, followed by their own. Becoming a real prankster is highly not recommended, of course, but being one as a Pokémon in battle may have its advantages.

So long as the "victim" is not a Dark type, at least, the Prankster may just be in command. The way that the ability works is not very substantial in theory, but in actual practice it could be rather significant - just like some pranks by real pranksters. Back to that object that my friend and I were discussing, it seems that the pranking possibility is high and feasible, even if we may not be the ones to do it (and never will). I'm certain that if it were to happen, the prankster would live up to the Pokémon ones that can do the same with their moves.

Five years ago: Pokémon Direct, 6/6/2017

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