Friday, June 24, 2022

The Pokémon Unite Club Membership

For hardcore players (Trainers) of Pokémon Unite, they may desire new and exclusive ways to enhance the playing experience, including by paying for exactly that. Those people may just be able to find that in a facet of the game that was recently introduced, which is the Unite Club Membership. By paying a certain amount of money each month, one can obtain access to a number of perks that make gameplay all the more attractive for its subscribers.

At the heart of this new subscription system are the "skins" that can be used by the Pokémon, which are called Holowear. For the purpose of this system, subscribing members are granted access to an exclusive "Holowear of the Month" as well as limited Unite Licenses of Pokémon with certain Holowear. The latter is obviously temporary, but the former really becomes the hallmark of the subscription and can be used for far longer. Given the price of the subscription, this is likely what some might pursue and continually use.

If that's not the case, then they and many others are likely to be pursuing the perk of daily Aeos Gems. Each day, one is rewarded 40 of these, which adds up to 1200 a month, definitely not a small amount. That amount can be used to purchase other items and customizations, including another Holowear if desired or even a Battle Pass; the choice is up to the player Trainer to make, as if the Gems were obtained by normal purchase. One would also have to be diligent in claiming this bonus to make the best and full usage of it.

Besides Holowear and Aeos Gems, there are also other nifty bonuses for subscribers. They can use decorative speech bubbles that are more than just ordinary speech bubbles that everyone else uses, and they get special picture frames (the round edges around their Trainer avatar in the Friend list) as well. They also can potentially obtain Holowear early after release with a certain discount, which could be a real plus for those who are crazy on Holowear. Regardless, these bonuses comprise some "extra extras" for those who subscribe.

There is just one caveat - along with its implications - in subscribing. Although Pokémon Unite is designed for cross-play and cross-progression, the membership is limited to either mobile or Nintendo Switch, and the claiming of perks and bonuses is to be done on the device on which one is subscribed, and specific ones are only available therein. Others, meanwhile can be freely used on whichever device one may play on, and this might necessitate keeping the game on both devices in order to subscribe on one and play the remnants wherever.

Clearly, subscribing to a Pokémon Unite Club Membership requires some commitment up front, but after the commitment is made, the newest and most exclusive perks and bonuses are abound and much is to be taken in and enjoyed by a player Trainer. That may just be able to lead to an extremely improved gameplay experience, particularly for those for whom Pokémon Unite has attained hardcore status in their gaming hall of fame.

Three years ago: The Show Must Go On
Four years ago: Jumping the 'Karp
Five years ago: Married... to Pikachu?

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