Saturday, June 11, 2022

Finding Reasons to Sing and Connect

Find a reason to sing - for the you I want to see
You who taught me how to sing about my life and everything
Find a reason to sing - you'll be there beside me too
Though this song is just a tune, it is still a gift from me to you
Connecting, connecting, with your song
Connecting, connecting, with your dream
Connecting, connecting, with your life
Connecting with you
-- "Connecting", music by halyosy, adapted lyrics by Merobean

Way back some three months ago, I had talked with Ash and Goh about some challenges in connecting and how that might be resolved. There's actually a second part to this, and we've alluded to it in different ways. And it all has to do with the song for which the lyrics have been quoted above, which like many songs I've discussed has little to nothing to do with Pokémon, but otherwise colors and describes my Pokémon experiences to a certain extent.

This song is about being able to relate to someone else that helps to bring meaning to the things that someone may do, particularly in making one's voice heard in a musical manner. That someone else becomes the "voice of reason" or "essence of being", even "raison d'etre" in a way. More than that, that "someone" may just be a bunch of people, as this song is designed to be one that combines many spirits who share the same sentiments with each other. Covers of this song have been made in groups as such to honor that spirit.

If a Pokémon takeaway can be made from this song, it may be that the song describes not just the relation between people and other people, but also people and Pokémon, the ones whom Trainers are intricately connected with (ahem) and people may share the same sentiments. It's such a general message that it can be conceivably regarded to apply in many settings, and Pokémon may just be one of them.

Now, the challenge part is that I'm supposed to sing this song, or at least parts of it, for a collaborative project that I hoped would result in something. However, it seems that the project may have become abandoned, with neither hide nor hair of it. Even if it wasn't, it seems I've been let go from it; recently I've found that I'm not able to access the usual methods of gaining information for it. In any case, I've decided to just write about it for a sense of closure.

Even so, the project is still open in my mind, and I've thought about making a somewhat different version of the song (and necessarily singing it, of course). The lyrics for that version would have further relations to Pokémon - maybe with a little help from other pop culture just to get things going. I've already concocted an adaptive version of the chorus as quoted above to illustrate my point:

Find a reason to sing - you can battle all for me
Wanna teach the world to sing, all in a perfect harmony
Find a reason to sing - all that you will be for me
Wanna hold you in my arms and wanna keep you company
Connecting, connecting, with your world
Connecting, connecting, with your life
Connecting, together, inspired
Connecting with you

Much still needs to be done if I wish to bring this little project idea to actual completion, unlike the previous project above (with me in it). But if my experiences with Pokémon have shown anything, I've discovered the "connecting" spirit in different ways, enough to consider this song relatable to Pokémon after having taken up the project unsuccessfully. That may just be the true reason to sing and connect, among all the things that have transpired in and out of Pokémon up to this very day.

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