Friday, November 23, 2018

The Amazing Pokémon Race

When I went last Tuesday to a gathering of my raid group, there was a quite remarkable on-the-spot challenge. Teams of players started out going from the gathering spot to a Gym to raid, then came back after capturing the raid boss Pokémon. It is quite similar to something that would be done in a certain kind of grand race. In fact...

Well, let's just go straight to the point, shall we? I'm a bit of a fan of The Amazing Race TV series ever since the first one aired, and even though I haven't watched the more recent iterations, the series has left a mark on me, though not as big of a mark as Pokémon. That said, with the advent of Pokémon Go and all its newer features, it might be plausible to combine elements of the game into the format of the series, in similar fashion to how the on-the-spot challenge worked.

Based on what I've been informed about the most recent iterations, there are elements that are opportunity-based rather than skill-based, and those can remain as they are, without inclusion of Pokémon Go elements. For the skill-based elements, that's where Pokémon Go elements can be worked in. They're also the ones that have been with the series in all incarnations from the very start. They are:

Detour. I foresee this using Field Research tasks collected from a certain area of PokéStops. One scenario could involve the completion of all tasks in an area as opposed to another, while another could be to complete a number of certain tasks that reward a specific kind of reward, either items or Pokémon. The key is still to choose wisely between tasks that demand one thing versus another, which is the point of this element.

Roadblock. I foresee this involving raids. As some raids may need more than one person to complete, the assistance of a local raid group or a set of willing players may be required. To make things easier yet more interesting, this could involve a limited set of nearby Gyms and only needing to raid only a portion of that, where a time penalty would be instituted if this goal is not met.

Fast Forward. I foresee this using a Special Research that is to be completed over the course of several legs, and if this can be completed, the Fast Forward is awarded. To account for the possibility of multiple teams earning the Fast Forward in one leg, the Fast Forward could be restricted in usage to one team per leg, and the Special Research could be suspended for all after one team uses the Fast Forward, resuming on the next leg.

The Research tasks have to be made harder and raid challenges may have to be specially instituted, of course, but otherwise, the premise remains the same: to have teams to go through all of these and see who comes out on top and on the bottom.

It's not hard to tell that the on-the-spot challenge may have been partially inspired by the TV series, and it has been admitted, in a way. That does lead to the prospect that these may be combined even further. As a major Pokémon fan and a minor TAR fan, it would make me glad personally. It would be fascinating to see just how The Amazing Pokémon Race could unfold.

One year ago: Thankfulness

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