Sunday, April 7, 2019


We've got to believe in love
That's all there ever will be
That's all there's ever been
For you and me...
-- "Song of Scatland", Scatman John

I'm feeling a little down about some things, Pokémon or otherwise. The less-than-spectacular results at the raid group tournament last week could be considered to contribute to that. Some of my Pokémon future could also be considered "up in the air", which doesn't help to the current state of affairs. And whenever I get to this point, this song comes to mind. Yet in a way, this song may be considered to be evocative of Pokémon on a certain level.

This song describes an imaginary land, appropriately called "Scatland". As the verses describe it, it's a land of peace and harmony, where people are equal and caring, happy and respected, and near and dear. It sounds like a land that anyone would want to be in, but even if they can't, there's always love to be believed in for everyone, as in the quoted chorus above. The bridge also reaffirms this message, which for the overall song is a great one.

As for this song's relation to Pokémon, it's a bit complex. It is true that some of the unsavory things that happen in the real world also happen in the Pokémon world, but beyond that, the world of Pokémon is a world that more or less is in line with the premises of the song. Personally, I consider the world of Pokémon as my "Scatland", even if it may be somewhat distanced from the actual premises. At the least, people in this world can also believe in love, which seems to be an important message no matter the world in question.

Scatman John (real name: John Paul Larkin) died at the end of 1999, three (nearly four) years after Pokémon came into being. However, during his stint in the world of music, he became somewhat popular, in particular in Japan. As recent as within the last decade or so, one of his more popular songs was included in certain Japanese music games, one of them being a game I mentioned a long time ago for its connections. Perhaps, had he lived longer, he might have been able to collaborate with Pokémon, and perhaps he might have enjoyed it. Maybe in his "Scatland", there is a place for Pokémon as well.

I'm still feeling down about a few things, but as I'm thinking about this song, in particular the quoted part above, I'm reminded that not everything is all bad. In fact, as I believe in love, I'm sure that some things may just turn out for the better. With Pokémon in the mix, I may then be able to find and then discover myself in my "Scatland" along with all that interests me about it, just like this song suggests.

One year ago: Let's Go Research
Two years ago: Caravansary

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