Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Worldly Reverence

As someone who is worldly in thoughts, I'm also worldly in my interests as well; I like things from around the world. Pokémon happens to be one of those things, and I like that it is so. What I like even more is that though it is Japanese or Eastern in origin, it is also well-liked or revered all over the world (or at the least in most parts of it, particularly the West). The inverse is also true for other things, being Western in origin but well-liked or revered in the East. The two situations become something to consider, especially in regard to Pokémon.

Pokémon was designed to capture a piece of Eastern childhood fantasy, as the collection of critters and other things for duking them out and even swapping them with others. Its initial in-game region was even based on a little piece of Eastern Japan, which then progressed to pretty much almost the entire Japanese archipelago in later games. But even with all these Eastern influences, this as a whole seems to resonate with other players and fans beyond the East or Japan; that's a good thing, because it means they like it, and very much so - they revere it. It becomes evident with certain things that Western players and fans do.

One of those things is to implement a "Pokémon hunt" on Google Maps. Though this was only an April Fool's joke, it proved that Pokémon has a place among many in the West. This helped to sow the seeds for what would become Pokémon Go, a game developed in the West, but with Eastern blessings. And yet, the primordial concept is good enough that it became a hit all over the world, including the East and Japan, where Pokémon began - and it still is today with a more developed concept. The reverence is also true there.

It's fascinating that in the current global era, lots of things can become worldly and revered beyond their places of origin. Pokémon is included in that, and this has to be a blessing for whoever enjoys and plays this franchise. Personally, I'm proud to do so and of Pokémon in general. Among other things, it has helped to shape my views of the world. I'm sure that a good number of Pokémon fans around the world can say the same thing too, and that should be a great thing.

One year ago: All in Good (Life)Time

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