Sunday, October 6, 2024

Cosplay: Tanoshii Matsuri - Axis Cup (Local)

Me: OK, here's something a little different yet more of the same.

Goh: A cup! So... a tournament, then.

Ash: But I think it's for something else other than Pokémon.

Me: Well... you bet - for a team game that isn't of the Pokémon sort. When that one becomes as popular as this game, we'll surely promote it.

Ash: But they have characters for this one!

Me: Sure, and that's why I send you to this one. It also keeps me out of trouble at home.

Pikachu: Pika? ["Really?"]

Me: Maybe, maybe not. Anyway, you should have gotten to the place.

Ash: It's a coffee shop in the middle of nowhere! Or... almost.

Goh: Weren't there other buildings around?

Ash: A couple of coffee shops and houses, but other than that it was farmland.

Goh: I see what you mean. Oh, and, uh...

Me: Here's the schedule if you're curious.

Goh: Wow, it's just for a few hours! And most of that looks like downtime.

Me: You could think of it that way. After the character festival opens, Ash is supposed to hang around while the judges get introduced before the character parade.

Ash: Which I'm in!

Pikachu: Chu. ["Yup."]

Me: Of course.

Goh: How was the hanging around part?

Ash: It was nice. I met our friend's friends. We got to talk a lot before the character parade.

Goh: That should have been fun - and so was the parade.

Ash: Um, well... it was in the beginning, until I dropped my Poké Ball - or, it flew out.

Goh: Ouch! I guess that screwed up things a bit.

Ash: It did. I guess it wasn't meant to be.

Pikachu: Pika chuu... ["Maybe not..."]

Goh: And you were in your...

Ash: Hoenn outfit, like last week.

Me: I thought it could make up for that time, but apparently it couldn't happen.

Goh: You might want to save it for a better time.

Me: Sure. I'll think about that.

Goh: How many characters were in the parade?

Ash: Six with me. And three won.

Goh: Let me guess - you didn't.

Ash: Nope.

Pikachu: Pi... ["Nope..."]

Me: Should've known. Who were the other characters that didn't win?

Ash: A rabbit and a "snake boy".

Me: Oh, interesting. I thought the former would.

Goh: Did it have any chance at all? 

Me: Who knows?

Goh: OK, how was the ending? 

Ash: It was fine. There was a dance group and a band - I think? - but I didn't get to see the band to get back to our friend.

Me: That's fine. It was still a good afternoon for going out, based on what happened.

Ash: Yeah!

Pikachu: Pika! ["Sure!"]

Goh: I could see this happening again.

Me: That's very likely. Until then, we may have to be on our toes for our same and different affairs... just like this one.

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