Thursday, October 10, 2024

Quickies: Color Neighborhoods, Pokémon Style

A long time ago, I had hinted that a certain place in my "Pokémon" town could have been influenced by the presence of Smeargle. And that's for a good reason: the place - or more appropriately, places - could be described as "color neighborhoods" because they're places that exhibit and exemplify certain colors, the likes of which may just be painted by the Smeargle present therein. That leads me to wonder about how these "color neighborhoods" might just be manifested (further) in Pokémon style.

One of the neighborhoods is actually of a single color, which some Smeargle might be interested in, changing the color of the paint on their tails to suit. More likely, though, they'd be more pleased to be present in the other neighborhood, which is of multiple colors; there, they'd cycle through all the colors as they paint the neighborhood. While they might possibly romp around painting houses and things every which way, it's also quite possible that they will possess the restraint to paint things as dictated by the people living there.

Meanwhile, if these "color neighborhoods" could actually exist in the Pokémon world, it is likely that they'd involve other Pokémon besides Smeargle. That single-color neighborhood I mentioned, as an example, might have the Bronzor family present about the place, lending its color to the neighborhood. As a more remote possibility, a golden yellow neighborhood could have the members of the Gimmighoul species family lending their characteristic color to the place, obviously being more hospitable with their coins.

The concept of "color neighborhoods" is an interesting one, especially as implemented in the real-life places of my "Pokémon" town. While the concept was manifested through paint and thereby could be realized through the presence of Smeargle, there is the potential to open up the concept through the presence of other Pokémon contributing their colors to the places to represent the neighborhood as intended. It's rather fanciful to think about this in terms of Pokémon, but that's something that I (and possibly other fans) could only desire.

One year ago: Kecleon Role Wonders

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