Ships exist in the Pokémon world just as they do in the real world, carrying people and items to wherever they need to go. In either case, there is always the possibility that they might become lost on the way and need to be guided by someone or something. For those ships in the world of Pokémon, their likely guides might be the creatures of this world, which seems pleasant to think about... and then to discuss, which becomes the purpose of this post.
A well-known one in this regard is Dragonite, which is known for its keen sense in becoming guides for lost ships, setting them on more appropriate courses. One reason given for this (and slightly explored in the anime) may be to keep the ships away from where the species family actually lives and keep their secrets... well, secret. Regardless, the noble act is the highlight and other effects related to that are consequential.
Meanwhile, Ampharos is more practical in this regard, as according to lore, it is often placed in lighthouses to light them up using its bright tail. As in real life, the lighthouses then guide ships on the sea by their light. In this way, although the Pokémon doesn't perform ship-guiding actions directly, its light-producing ability is a proxy for these actions, and it can be classified as another species that guides ships.
Though Jirachi may not be classified as an actual Pokémon that guides ships, its presence in the sky once every millennium or so might become a point of interest for ships on the open sea to congregate toward, if it becomes known that the Pokémon will pass over the open sea. That would serve the people (Trainers) who seek to observe this Pokémon wherever it may go and then to make a requisite wish for the Pokémon.
Of all the things that Pokémon species can do, guiding ships might be one of the things that are of least concern. Yet given how ships exist in that world much in the same way as they do in the real world, the possibility of them becoming lost is still a realistic concern. Thankfully, some of the Pokémon can fill the guiding role perfectly, preserving their existence as well as that of the people who fare the seas in the vessels, dodging any quandaries.
One year ago: Our Sails Are Set - We've Come Home
Two years ago: Quickies: The Fire Inside and Out
Three years ago: On the Referencing of Stats in Pokémon Go
Four years ago: Beyond the Immensity of Life
Five years ago: New Pokémon Asia McDonald's Happy Meal Toys - Selections
Six years ago: Islands and Continents
Seven years ago: Passing the Guard
Eight years ago: Two Pokémon Pillows
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