Friday, January 17, 2025

My, How Time Flies

Of course, the biggest reason for the load of "my" posts over the past few days would be because it's the occasion of my birthday today. For some people, it's a time that they might dread because it reminds them of time's passage, while for others, that same passage is something they look forward to. With that, it seems like a fine topic to discuss on this occasion, along with the necessary Pokémon perspectives as a part of this blog.

As indicated, the passage of time can be an ornery one - or else it's one that is full of great happenings, especially on a personally related day like today. That also might explain why this post might have taken longer than usual to make, since they all happened to happen on this very day, including Pokémon ones. And as I try to go through them, time just... passes by (flies), and all of a sudden this special day returns. But that's a good thing for Pokémon and my Pokémon loving self.

For that, there is the reminder that a lot of things have happened for both Pokémon and me, and they'll keep on happening. I'm not required to go through all of them, but some are, and others are all the same even if the requirement isn't all that evident. Whichever one applies, to go through them and come out with a pleasant feeling afterwards is not only an expectation but also a right, one that I can exercise for myself on this day - my "anniversary" - and then again when the anniversary for Pokémon happens... but this latter matter is best reserved for when it happens, next month in fact.

The occasion of today, and the topic I've chosen for it, brings to mind a specific song by one of my favorite artists:

My! My! Time flies!
One step and we're on the moon
Next step into the stars
My! My! Time flies!
Maybe we could be there soon
A one-way ticket to Mars
-- "My! My! Time flies!", Enya

Essentially, the song bears the messages I brought up above, with the way the song recounts world happenings like the one quoted above in its first verse. It also has a slight tinge of rock music, unusual for this artist and her songs in general. But Pokémon is unusual enough for me that the artist's slightly unusual song is warranted on this particular day.

Speaking of which, perhaps the artist wouldn't mind to have a Pokémon version of the song... maybe with the following lyrics, at least what I can currently furnish:

My! My! Time flies!
A professor comes and warns you
To not go inside the grass
My! My! Time flies!
He then says, "You'll be OK,
If you take one of these balls..."

By the way, as an aside, it seems that I've been having problems keeping track of how long I've been around... but that may be a side effect of the theme I've been discussing throughout this post: time flies.

Regardless, there's at least some good things that occur as time passes by, and evidently one of them is me getting acquainted with Pokémon and all that pertains to that. And then there is today as my "anniversary" of sorts. With all of the above together, time may just pass by even more quickly.

Happy birthday to me, and that should make for memorable times ahead.

Two years ago: A Legendary Existence
Three years ago: Unique Touches
Four years ago: Wishes for Good Days
Five years ago: Always Together
Six years ago: Wonderful Opportunities
Eight years ago: A Pokémon Party?

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