I actually wanted to make this post a long time ago, but I kept getting sidetracked and wanted to actually nail down the discussion points before I actually wrote them up. However, since one of the points will be relevant very soon, I've got to get this post and discussion done and gone, so I've decided to make it with what I can scrounge up for that purpose. So here I go.
Some time ago, I accidentally made a critical mistake in Pokémon Go; fortunately, the mistake wasn't related to a major primary achievement, but it still hurt as it essentially reverted a big effort that took a long time to keep up. That accidental happening and critical mistake became the prompt for me to make this post, and that meant gathering up all the other points I want to discuss, being some of the biggest mistakes to plague Pokémon and their repercussions.
Coincidentally, the first mistake also concerns Pokémon Go. A long time ago, Niantic also accidentally released Black Kyurem and White Kyurem through Go Battle League encounters, which wasn't supposed to happen, as these Pokémon are Fusions involving Reshiram and Zekrom as parties to that process with Kyurem - the relevant matter to my previous discussion. Their instances were removed and compensation for some (but not all) resources was given, which provoked an array of reactions, most significantly of anger, as the resources weren't very little. The matter of this Fusion, however, is what will become relevant soon courtesy of Pokémon Go Tour, but I'll save further discussion for when it gets closer to that point.
Meanwhile, there is (was) a big mistake on a more internal aspect. Also some time ago, Game Freak as the originators of Pokémon were apparently hacked; as with many instances of hacking, the perpetrators got ahold of certain private (and Pokémon) information, some a bit too private while others are deserving of public scrutiny. The mistake that lies therein is Game Freak not sufficiently securing their systems and devices, at least according to the perspective of one of my analytical friends. Whatever the real circumstances involve, some kind of mistake was surely present and it is key to prevent the future recurrence of that.
Local Pokémon affairs seem to have had a bit of a major mistake as well. The PIJ edition for Jogjakarta some time ago was actually slightly marred by Pokémon Run not being held simultaneously on the weekend of the Pokémon Go paid event. AKG Games, also being the organizer for these and the local TCG in particular, also had a spate of problems, including getting cards to pass through Customs. They're footnotes, but are relatively comparable.
Then, for other Pokémon TCG realm matters, the game would be affordable and reachable for play... if it weren't for scalpers, for which the biggest mistake is in having let them take control of the card supply. To combat this state of affairs, the latest expansion (called Prismatic Evolutions) is to be printed at "maximum volume" with the hope of saturating the market and not giving the scalpers many chances to sell cards at high prices. Even so, this remains to be seen, as some prior efforts to rectify the situation have not gone all that well.
With the way Pokémon is today, mistakes are bound to happen - or in the case of the above, have happened. As major as the franchise may be, the most major thing may be to prevent committing mistakes similar to the ones above, including with respect to scale.
As well, this post may not be a mistake (aside from keeping it unfinished for quite a time) and can very well serve as a channel for improving current and future Pokémon matters.
One year ago: Forever in the Palms of Our Hands
Two years ago: Friend Experiences with Factions
Three years ago: The Sinnoh Cup of GBL
Four years ago: The State of Nominations, Part 8
Five years ago: Little Bits of the Pokémon Anime
Six years ago: Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 1/24/2019
Seven years ago: Local Ex-Raid (and More), 1/24/2018
Eight years ago: Electricity: Harness, Don't Exploit
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