Goh: Wait, there were two festivals?
Me: Well, one of them was yesterday, and the other was today.
Goh: OK, that makes sense.
Me: So, the first one up sounds like it's a new one - and the festival itself is - but the character competition part is one that hasn't been around for a long time.
Ash: Hey, is this by that college that sounds like a continent?
Me: Yup, it is! Thus, the competition is known as AsiA Cosplay Competition 2025 [OOC title, of course].
Goh: I wasn't around back then, but reading your reports, they must have been fun.
Ash: You bet!
Pikachu: Pika chu pika! ["For sure!"]
Me: Unfortunately, as you know, Community Day Classic was smack-dab on the same day and scheduled way before, which was what we discussed yesterday.
Ash: So I couldn't take part. But I went there in the morning before Community Day and then went back after that, all in my Sinnoh outfit.
Goh: I'll bet the actual competition was right in the middle of Community Day Classic.
Ash: You know, I did ask a friend, and I think that was what happened.
Goh: Maybe our friend has intel on the competition?
Me: I heard it's just a character parade, but they were considering performances too. But I don't know much more than that.
Ash: One of our friends told us the winners had really wild outfits.
Pikachu: Pika pika... ["I think..."]
Me: See, that's what I thought. Even if Community Day wasn't on the same day, I think we still wouldn't have made it.
Goh: Anyway, at least you got to enjoy the festival.
Ash: Sure! It wasn't like a theme festival since I heard it was for the college overall, but it almost felt like it. The karaoke group ended the day.
Goh: That's nice. And... "the day"? It's a two-day thing?
Me: I'm told the festival part that concerns us was only yesterday, so the second day (today) is for other people.
Goh: Well, that's OK, because you've got the other one today.
Me: I also they think they might have corroborated so we can have a full weekend.
Goh: Now that I think about it, that's possible. By the way, this is for a different occasion than last time and the one before that, right?
Ash: The mall was also different! It was the nearby one for many conventions and festivals. And... oh, I see. It was right with the opening of a new play area.
Goh: I guess the two could go together.
Pikachu: Chu pika pika. ["Seems like it."]
Goh: What is (was) Ash in for today?
Me: Just the singing competition. You know...
Goh: Putting Eggs in one basket, huh.
Ash: I'm fine with that.
Goh: And the song for today was...
Ash: "Soko ni Sora ga Aru Kara"... and that meant my Hoenn outfit.
Me: I actually wanted to have you go with this on both yesterday and today, but I was concerned the rain (especially during Community Day) might affect how things would go. And the outfits fit anyway.
Ash: It all works out! And the festival was small but nice. A few booths for goodies and food.
Goh: How about entertainment?
Ash: Just dance groups and a DJ at the end.
Goh: Speaking of "at the end", let's hear about the results.
Ash: Only two winners from 11 people... and I didn't get either.
Goh: Aw.
Pikachu: Pi... ["Aw..."]
Ash: For the characters, only two also won, and they were wild ones... Hey, a friend just told me they're two of the three winners from yesterday!
Goh: Um, that's wild all right.
Me: OK, so we dodged a bullet. All the same, I can't help but think the winners could have been more varied... likewise for both competitions.
Ash: Hey, one of the singing winners was a duet.
Me: Hmm. But my point still stands.
Goh: It's still a good, full weekend anyway for you two.
Me: Well, sure. It could have been "fuller", but that wasn't the case.
Ash: I think we always make it like that.
Pikachu: Pika. ["Hmm."]
Me: True. And maybe like the titles of these festivals, it could be about innovating a great time together, like we always do with Pokémon.
One year ago: Towards the Sunny Horizon
Two years ago: How Many Main Orders to Complete?
Three years ago: YouTube Pokémon Highlights: Pokémon Unite Channels
Four years ago: Unity Power
Five years ago: Cosplay: Aishiteru Minna
Six years ago: SwitchCon
Seven years ago: Private vs. Public Raids?
Eight years ago: The Times They Are a-Switchin'
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