Thursday, January 30, 2025

The State of Nominations, Part 32

Meanwhile, in the front of nominating new PokéStops, I have to admit (say up front) that I haven't been putting in much effort in this area for one reason or another, but I still keep the effort in mind when I play Pokémon Go. It is also certain that things continue to happen in the Niantic Wayfarer backend, where the nominations are processed before being able to become PokéStops. With that, I have to update my status as it concerns this area, regardless since it has become a periodic discussion topic on this blog.

To view the topic in perspective, that would require the hard numbers as usual. The most pertinent numbers at present are the Accepted nominations, which are now at 166 (increased by 5), and the Not Accepted nominations, which are now at 67 (also increased by 5). It seems that I've made half good progress and half not-so-good progress, and the Wayfarer system and those involved in it has seen that. The rest of the pertinent numbers are two nominations each In Voting and In Queue, whose results may or may not be expected any time soon, but that's certainly not for me to decide.

As well, I can address the Accepted nominations that may or may not have made it as PokéStops. The completely absent ones increased by 1 to 7, while the ones recognized as having become Power Spots also increased by 1 to 6. That leaves 10 nominations with the Accepted state whose status I can't vouch for personally, many of which still face the same constraint as last time. Time will have to tell if I can resolve the first and the last of these and determine their statuses in a definitive manner. 

I can also touch on adjacent matters. Like Pokémon Go itself, communities develop around the Wayfarer system, including the ways of "ambassador-ship". Recently, openings for becoming Wayfarer ambassadors had been announced and was promoted in a couple of my Pokémon Go groups. I briefly considered submitting an application, but the process requires me to show my interactions with the community, for which I am lacking. As such, I casted it aside, and the application process has since then closed. I may just be happy at present with making more nominations and not becoming too involved with community affairs.

Even if the process of nominating PokéStops is pretty much a side affair with respect to all the other things one does (including me) in Pokémon Go, it's still evidently an important side affair, which is why I keep making periodic updates on it - though certainly not too often. At least, recent developments like Power Spots have made things more meaningful for me as a participant in the Wayfarer system as a nominator, and by the further developments above, I may need to seek for further meanings in my involvement.

Five years ago: Bringing It Home
Six years ago: Three TCG Booster Packs
Eight years ago: Always 21 - Memories of 21

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