Sunday, January 19, 2025

Cosplay: TP & VV Cosplay & Photo Contest

Ash: Oh! Um, well...

Me: Yeah. A little thing for today - a festival.

Goh: OK, so it has a character and photo competition. Who's involved?

Me: A few friends of my friends, and a local phone and gadget shop.

Ash: Just like that one time!

Me: Different shop, but you get the point. Anyhow, before you go there, you'll need to hit up a few of my raid friends for some special and slightly difficult raids.

Goh: What was the Pokémon?

Ash: It was... Shadow Ho-Oh!

Pikachu: Pi pi pika! ["Extreme!"]

Goh: Wow, that's extreme, all right. How'd you do?

Ash: I caught a couple of Shiny ones, but the stats were just OK. I even got some of them to learn Sacred Fire.

Me: Excellent. You did all that you could with them. Back to the festival...

Ash: It started raining when I went there and I almost got really drenched! 

Me: Oh, I'm sorry about that. If it hadn't been for the raids, I think you'd have made it in better shape.

Ash: Well, you gave me an umbrella anyway, so that helped a little. But I missed the character parade anyhow.

Goh: So, our friend, what's the deal?

Me: Well, I thought we would be able to raid just enough before getting to the venue and making it... but apparently that's not the case. So yeah, sorry about that too.

Goh: Sounds like this one was sudden.

Me: You could say that. There were only the raids planned for today, and had been for a long time, but then all of a sudden, the week before, this came up.

Goh: Understandable. Life happens. Anyway, it was a festival, right?

Ash: Yeah, a little one, with a couple of food stands and even the card game shop setting up.

Pikachu: Pika. ["Small."] 

Goh: Nice. So you can bet they want people to come.

Me: Exactly the point. And they obviously want my friends and character friends to come too.

Goh: Well, sure. You weren't tempted to buy anything?

Ash: No, our friend says his gadgets are still fine.

Me: And I already purchased something to help with them, actually, so no more buying for now.

Goh: Got it. Was there entertainment, though? 

Ash: Two dance groups... and in between that was the awarding for the character parade.

Goh: Oh. Who won?

Ash: Character friends of our friend's friends.

Goh: Um, that's a mouthful.

Me: In other words, friends of my friends of my friends sent in their characters and won. Makes sense, since they organized it.

Goh: I can see that.

Pikachu: Pi. ["Sure."] 

Goh: So today was just all about meeting friends, both at the raids and here.

Ash: Pretty much, and I had a good time at both. It was just that...

Goh: The rain was the problem? 

Ash: Yeah. I think the festival had a power problem in the middle of one of the dance groups.

Me: Well, it's still a good day for friends and such. And I hope the phone and gadget shop got the promotion they needed with the festival.

Ash: I think everyone still got something good today!

Goh: That's always a good way to look at it.

Me: And hopefully the outlook won't be as gloomy as the sky today, but as bright as Ho-Oh's feathers.

Six years ago: Peace
Seven years ago: Suspending My Disbelief
Eight years ago: Ash, Satoshi, or... Ali?

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