Friday, January 24, 2025

Pokémon Go Community Day Classic, 1/25/2025

There hasn't been an edition of Community Day Classic in five months, and that's a pretty long time. But when there is one - as in, today - it's one that many Trainers have long waited for, and it's one that's hot and entrancing. It's the latter because the species family is generally of the Psychic type and one of the involved Pokémon is a popular attractive target, and it's the former because a different involved Pokémon has also been involved in a big (even, Mega) event all its own. That might be just enough to pin down what this edition involves.

If not, then I can say it outright. Coming back for this edition is Ralts and its family of four species, along with Kirlia, Gardevoir, and Gallade. Last featured in August 2019, lots have happened around this species family, notably them getting their Mega Evolution forms (the latter just two weeks ago). Yet, the same main bonuses are retained: the fully evolved forms getting the Charged move Synchronoise, and Eggs taking only a quarter of the distance to hatch. Even the extra Timed Research furnishing Sinnoh Stones for evolving to Gallade is still around for that very purpose - it is a Classic "rerun" edition after all.

Aside from that, modern features and/or conveniences are also applied to the "rerun". They would be photo bombs, showcases, event item bundles in the respective shops, and - yes - the restructured paid Special Research as of this month's regular edition. This also means the new Field Research and Timed Research tasks also apply (including some that furnish Mega Energy for the evolved forms), as does some Ralts encounters begetting ones with special backgrounds. It's all about getting the modernity to jive and work well with the past.

Meanwhile, for the matter of me getting things to work out on my end, that is achieved with a little help from a certain person...

Me: ...and that means you, Ash. So, how'd things go?

Ash: Great! You sent me to the usual place this time, and I got many that you could totally battle with.

Me: Hmm. Whether that actually works out or not, I'll have to see for myself.

Goh: Did you meet your usual friend's friends... or maybe ones beyond them?

Ash: I did, but not too many of them.

Goh: The place for the meetup was right. Um... right?

Ash: I'm sure of it. My friend told me.

Me: Oh. A little bird told me that many were also meeting up somewhere else, also to hunt for a few "little birds" after all the Ralts had appeared. 

Ash: We did that too! For a little bit.

Goh: Anyway, I guess that could be for the better, seeing how things were the other day.

Me: Good point. But it would also seem very "un-community-like".

Ash: Oh yeah! The rain was also really heavy. We all wanted to go around for the Ralts, but we couldn't because of the rain.

Me: At least you came early before it started to rain.

Ash: That I did. And after that, I went somewhere else - the first place you sent me to.

Goh: Let me guess: it was a festival?

Ash: Sure!

Me: But we'll deal with that soon enough.

Some people might have foreseen the return of this species family as a Community Day Classic edition, and that could mean they were as psychic as some of the species in the family. Others might have appreciated the opportunity to get some wonderful Pokémon for battling in the form of the fully evolved species of the family, along with the special move. Whatever concerns they might have had - including the one of (re)experiencing this Community Day edition - all experiences are valid as far as any of the Pokémon in this family are concerned, hopefully with at least some community spirit in tow.

Eight years ago: Keychains!

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