Sunday, November 15, 2020

Cosplay: The Bros Contest

Me: Um, so, I can explain. Someone who knows me and a few of my friends wanted to "test the waters", so to speak, for a slightly larger physical event with an audience being involved. And so we have this that I'm sending you to.

Ash: Well, it had to come sooner or later. I'm a little nervous about it, but I'll take it up.

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["OK!"]

Me: So it has been a long time since a real physical event with characters and other people took place, and this "test" is to see if other events like this can take place, how it can work with current conditions, things like that.

Ash: OK, so if it works out, we might be seeing many things like this.

Me: It would likely lead up to that, yes. But much also depends on how well we can do things while still keeping things safe. For that, I have a few ground rules for you. One of them is about the use of a face mask.

Ash: I know that's a thing, so I guess you want me to wear one.

Me: Yes, at all times, whenever possible. You don't know who you'll meet and whether they're safe or not.

Ash: Can I at least take it off when I and Pikachu perform?

Me: That's the only exception I'll give out. Once you're done, it goes back on.

Ash: And I guess I should keep my distance and wash my hands when I can.

Me: Absolutely! It's now the standard. So I'm sure you and Pikachu are ready.

Ash: I'm ready.

Pikachu: Pika! ["Ready!"]

Me: OK, so, what can you tell me?

Ash: Well, the event, which has a character parade, was in the afternoon, but you told me to come early so I can work on something else with Pokémon.

Me: Yes, we'll discuss it tomorrow. 

Ash: The character parade was supposed to be a couple of hours after it started, but someone showed up quite late, so we waited for the person. But it was fun when it started.

Me: How fun?

Ash: There were about 25 or so characters. The limit is 30, but some didn't show up at the last minute. The people who just wanted to be there were limited too, no more than 40.

Me: That's a given. Some people may bow out because of sudden things. And these kinds of limits are a given nowadays.

Ash: That's what a character friend said! He also helped start the whole thing so it can happen.

Pikachu: Pika chu pika! ["It's so true!"]

Me: Isn't it? All right, so who won stuff?

Ash: Not me, but a few good friends did. There were only 10 prizes, and they had to be for the best of the best.

Me: That's neat. After that, the event ended?

Ash: That's it. Everyone went off after that.

Me: OK, good to know. So, would you say that events like these can work again?

Ash: At this scale, I think it can. If it's bigger than this, it might not work for now. And I don't think I want to go very far either.

Me: I agree. A really big one will really cause big problems - ones we should not be involved in. And let the faraway people take care of their faraway things for now. Once things settle down, we can deal with them again. 

Ash: Now we just have to wait for the next one.

Pikachu: Pika pika. ["Surely."]

Me: Of course. Let's see what happens.

Three years ago: Ma? Ma? Ma? Marshadow...!

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