Sunday, February 9, 2025

Pokémon Go Community Day, 2/9/2025

After the first main edition of Community Day this year turned a bit weird for me and left a bitter taste in my mouth, now it seems that it's time for the event itself to get a little weird for its second edition this year. It also represents the varied possibilities that Community Day may have, perhaps even foretelling of others that it might have in the future. Regardless, that's for later, and the weirdness of this edition is at hand.

With that, the weirdness involves the featured Pokémon of this edition, as there are two: Karrablast and Shelmet. These two Pokémon (and their species families) might appear disparate, but they are in fact inextricably linked to each other, as in the main series games, they require to be traded for each other in order to evolve into their next evolutionary stage (Escavalier and Accelgor respectively). Pokémon Go has no such requirement, but trading them is regardless strongly recommended as they can evolve freely afterwards, which would be a cost of 200 Candy for either family otherwise. All this still makes sense for Pokémon Go, as it has featured species with similarly steep Candy requirements before (Magikarp and Stufful) for Community Day.

Background aside, there are the usual features, new and old. There are two special moves in play as well: Escavalier gets Razor Shell and Accelgor gets Energy Ball, both Charged moves, for the purpose of this event, for coverage more than anything else given their types. The main bonus is triple XP for captures, always a useful one for new and less active Trainers. Obviously, the discounted trades and extra Special Trade bonuses come into their own for this edition given the above evolutionary requirements. The rest of the bonuses are the usual cohort - double Candy and Candy XL chance, extended Incense and Lure Modules, photo bombs, showcases, item bundles, stickers, and all kinds of Research task offerings that have come into their own starting this year, with the paid Special Research titled "Bug Report".

Evidently, some weirdness was also in play for me, as I decided to take care of Community Day while at the goings-on a different community less related to the game and Pokémon in general. The goings-on had weird things of their own and perhaps overran its time, so when I finally came to the actual Community Day local meetup, it was pretty much almost over... although that seems for the best given what transpired last time. In any case, I met the people I needed to meet, completed certain trading business and discussions with them, and got into the group picture, which from this point onwards I would rather not include in the post except it was for a different meetup. Weirdly enough, there were no goodies as well, corroborated by other reports, so it seems all the weird things of today were justified.

This edition - personally in some respects - affirms that Community Day can have weird things from time to time, and it might be just a matter of dealing with them in the best way possible. That is also very much applicable for this month's double feature, which does have a specific way of dealing with the Pokémon. Even then, that could mean opening up possibilities for the future, and that much seems appreciable at this point.

Two years ago: Pokémon Consulting?
Five years ago: Coming Up Roses
Six years ago: Cosplay: Eien no Kiseki
Seven years ago: Seeking Confirmation
Eight years ago: Time

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