Me: OK, we sorta have a full weekend ahead, and it begins with this one.
Ash: A festival! For characters.
Goh: And... pets?
Me: Well, sure. Some people have Pokémon that are as pets more than anything else. Of course, this being a real pet festival, you'll see quite a few of them that resemble Pokémon.
Goh: Oh, but it has something for characters.
Me: Certainly, or I wouldn't be sending Ash. Speaking of, before going there, I need Ash to go and battle some really huge king crab with lots of other people.
Goh: Huge king crab... Gigantamax Kingler??
Me: Great guess - that's precisely it!
Goh: How many Trainers did it take?
Ash: A lot! More than you think.
Pikachu: Pika... ["Big..."]
Ash: But we got it done easily. I only caught five, and they weren't too good or Shiny either...
Me: My regrets. I'll try to do something about that.
Ash: Luckily it was near the festival, and a friend helped me get there.
Goh: So, what "pets" did you see there?
Ash: Lots of reptiles! You know, the kind that would be like Kecleon, Snivy, Salandit, Sandaconda, and the like.
Me: All good descriptors.
Ash: And then dogs, like Houndour and Yamper.
Goh: Awesome! But you didn't focus too much on them.
Ash: Nope. Just on the character festival.
Goh: So, how'd that go?
Ash: Great! They had singers, dancers, and games like a wheel game.
Goh: Wheel game? Oh, BN organized this.
Ash: They did!
Pikachu: Pika! ["Nice!"]
Me: Sure thing, and that meant you should have seen some familiar faces in the character parade.
Ash: I did! Glad to meet a lot of them again.
Goh: Well, that should have been fun.
Ash: And it was free to get into the parade, so I could take it easy - and I used the lions - ehem, Pyroar - on the stage to help things out.
Goh: Interesting! Did you get something?
Ash: Judge Favorite - but just a goodie bag for that.
Me: I guess it works out - and hey, now I've got a few ideas for you in the future.
Ash: I can't wait to make them work out for you!
Me: Neither can I.
Goh: So after that, it was just a bunch of chatting with friends and the like.
Ash: Yeah - but it was a full day, as our friend said.
Pikachu: Pika. ["True."]
Goh: What did you think about it overall, though?
Ash: I liked seeing all the creatures and getting to interact with them! And the festival idea was not half bad.
Goh: It didn't seem like they were using characters to get people to come?
Ash: I guess people just had fun and they didn't care about that.
Goh: Then I guess we can say that it really did work out.
Me: Why not? I'd agree.
Ash: And what about tomorrow?
Me: Well, there's nothing specific to Pokémon planned out, so there's a character happening of some kind - but I think it's a different one.
Goh: I guess you're eyeing this one with Ash.
Me: Trust me, it's kind of important in some ways.
One year ago: Overlapping Events in Café Remix
Two years ago: Pokémon Is... A Lifesaver?
Three years ago: NADWPKMN YouTube Channel Open!!!
Four years ago: In Search of Friends or Accounts
Five years ago: Let's Go Fight to the Top
Six years ago: Wrap the Light Fantastic
Seven years ago: The Workings of Raids
Eight years ago: Poké Ball Food
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