Friday, February 28, 2025

The Peak of Dual Destiny

And now, the end of February is at hand, unlike last year; the end of the Pokémon Go season is at hand as well, so it means it's time for the end-of-season post like previous years as well (all see below). Still, things are still not quite the end for the season, also as always called a "peak" rather than an "end", but for certain reasons that will be explained shortly. In spite of that, things go on (moreover because they are also accordingly scheduled), so the season-ending post still makes sense to be written up today.

The reason is of course because this year's Global edition of Pokémon Go Tour is this weekend, and that automatically means the season is extended to cover the festivities and the season's end is offset just as the beginning was offset. What's not offset, though, is the "peak" of the season, and Pokémon Go Tour coincidentally (or not) serves as a good manifestation of that "peak" as it occurs at the tail end of the season. Therefore, at least for the instance of this season, the "peak" idea of its end is validated.

Going back to the season's moniker of "Dual Destiny", besides the dualities of black/white and truth/ideals presented by the overarching theme of the above event, the events in Pokémon Go and the Pokémon they featured also did seem to showcase other dualities. These were sometimes at odds and at other times complementary, though it seems that both are (were) necessary to exhibit Pokémon in all their variety - and rightfully, their destiny. Beyond the event, there was its own interpretation to behold.

Meanwhile, in other areas of Pokémon, destinies seemed to be more at hand rather than dualities, yet manifestations of the duality that is one side against another in battle are still apparent. It's a natural course of affairs for Pokémon, and things like the continuously sizzling TCGP and Unite (the latter may be a bit less so) show how destinies are put into play in two sides and then affected accordingly, particularly with the events for these two over the same time as the Pokémon Go season - fittingly.

So, to take everything into consideration, the "peak" of this Pokémon Go season corresponds with an ultimate "dual destiny", even if that has to offset the season by a bit and particularly after its start. But then, the case for Pokémon is always an intricate blending of two sides and two destinies (or even more), also as seen over the course of this season for other Pokémon aspects. The challenge always presents a might to be overcome, and that probably could take mastery in some (great) amounts.

Three years ago: The Peak of Heritage
Four years ago: The Peak of Celebrations
Six years ago: The Birthday of a Hero
Seven years ago: Cosplay Poses

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