Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 2/25/2025

In true form as with most of the past few years (see below), I write up the rollup of events for Pokémon Go on this day, also for obvious reasons to come. With that, obviousness may be considered a running theme for this month's events, whether or not that may be evident in the events themselves and what they feature. The relative paucity of events for the month may also be something that factors into that, even if February itself is a short month as far as things are concerned. 

First up, after the break from a continued event in January, there was the Small Yet Strong event from February 5 to 8. As discernable, there were small and strong things, particularly with bonuses of double XP for captures and increased chance to find XXS and XXL Pokémon. The most notable small and strong thing was the debut of Shiny Nymble, which could be found in the wild along with other small (and possibly Shiny) natural wonders, including Burmy and Flabébé; 2 km Eggs also had a smattering of some other little ones. Other small and strong complements to the event were Research tasks (Field and a Timed set), a Collection Challenge, and showcases as usual. If it wasn't obvious before, this event made it clear that strong things can come in little packages like these Pokémon.

Some people may (try to) find love in this month, an obvious thing, and that's where the Beloved Buddies event came in. From February 11 to 15, cute and attractive Pokémon - including the debuting Dhelmise and returning Enamorus by raids - appeared in the wild and raids, with Diglett, Skrelp, and Dunsparce having exceptional Shiny chances. Meanwhile, Field Research had a task for Tandemaus, and Collection Challenges furnished Stardust and Great Balls. Along with the usual showcases, the double XP bonus for captures returned, while Lure Modules were extended and attracted different Pokémon, and more of them rewarded greater Stardust. The last day of this event also coincided with a Raid Day for Hoopa Unbound with all the usual free and paid perks, plus allowing anyone to change its form even without completing its associated Special Research. Some will notice the event isn't quite like the Valentine's Day events of past years, making it somewhat less obvious, but love was still obviously to be had one way or another.

After finding love, it may then be time to go out and about. For that, there was the Scattered to the Winds event from February 18 to 20, which featured the debut of Shiny Scatterbug through the usual method of pinning and saving Gift postcards. In addition to this Bug-type family, two other Bug-type families and three Flying-type families enlivened the wild, Field Research tasks, and a Collection Challenge. Bonuses too were "scattered": increased XP for spinning PokéStops, Gift opening, and Shiny chance for Pidgey, along with an optional paid Timed Research set, showcases (certainly), and increased "legacy Lucky" limits for traded Pokémon from 2019 and earlier. Some obvious efforts might have been necessitated for the particulars of this event, though the end results should obviously have not been "scattered" but "gathered" instead.

The last agenda of the month is the buildup to this year's edition of Pokémon Go Tour, with an event called Road to Unova, befitting the featured region. It started on February 24 and will go until March 1, the first day of the Global edition. The elements that will become key to this year's festivities are also introduced, though some of them are better saved for when the coverage of the big event is made. For now, Trainers can also purchase one or both of the paid supplemental Timed Research sets with bonuses for raiding or hatching (or both), and like the Wild Area buildup from last year, enjoy daily raids and Raid Hours for Legendary Pokémon from the region (some also in a Timed Research set) with new special backgrounds. The region's starters and their next stage evolutions also appear in the wild, with the former also in raids, while 2 km Eggs feature a mini assortment, most also in Field Research. To help things out, remote raid limits are raised and Egg hatch distance is halved. All these are supplemented with new avatar items, stickers, Pokédex appearance, and encounter points, making it obvious that the major event is major indeed.

Now that the events of the month have been detailed, it's obvious what the month provides and is geared to, for Trainers still dealing with things in the game. Also, it seems obvious (or not) that there might be more than a few things going on, unlike the general shape of the month itself. Whatever the case, the obvious thing is for Trainers to go or have gone through them, and to have gotten at least a little something out of them.

Six years ago: Meeting of the Minds

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