Sunday, February 23, 2025

Cosplay: Utsuru 9.5

Me: Like I said, an annual thing it is.

Ash: Great!

Goh: Like you said, huh.

Me: And for as long as it's convenient, I'll try to put in something for the convention.

Goh: I'm curious how they'll try to make this one different.

Me: Well, for starters, they've got a wacky theme this year: "animal house"... but not that kind.

Ash: But Pokémon are "animals", so we'd fit right in!

Pikachu: Pika pika! ["Hey yeah!"]

Me: Why not? They did say they want to make this edition one big "animal party" - and they want "animals", they got it, our style.

Goh: Pokémon works out, doesn't it? OK, so this must have been in the same place and with many of the same communities.

Me: Sure! But I think there are a few twists this time around, also for the "animal house" theme.

Ash: They had a second stage for the communities! 

Goh: With the way it goes every year (and a half), I wouldn't be surprised if they had to separate them from the performers, which... looking at the schedule, is all day.

Ash: I think you're right. I'd want to perform on a different stage myself.

Goh: Meanwhile, the performers... they were mostly groups and bands today, weren't they? 

Ash: Yeah - dance and performance, plus a DJ, radio show, and karaoke.

Me: OK, the usual stuff. And usually there would be competitions too - one of which is the character parade, which I've prepped you for with your Journeys outfit.

Ash: Yeah, that... Lots of characters and not many prizes - didn't work out.

Pikachu: Pika. ["Sadly."]

Me: I should've known.

Goh: Weren't there community competitions like last year's editions, even the main one

Ash: Oh yeah! People voted, and the community voted. One community had friends of our friend.

Me: That's nice to hear. Oh, and I think there's one final competitive twist... in the form of a card you might have gotten when you got in. 

Ash: It was a card to get community stamps! But I had to get at least 10 for a prize, and even if I did, they still would have drawn it.

Goh: So no guarantee even with the effort. What would you win if you got all the stamps?

Me: I heard it would be... a Gogoat!

Goh: A real one, live in the flesh??

Ash: But when I saw the drawing, the winner just got a paper one. There was one for a Torchic too. 

Goh: Hmm, seems questionable.

Me: I'm still questioning it even right now. What about other twists, ones that even I couldn't predict?

Ash: I met a big Pikachu!

Pikachu: Pika pika pika! ["Two of us!"]

Goh: Oh my!

Ash: We were in the parade together - and next to each other! But of course neither of us won.

Me: That is a huge twist. It reminds me of #006 from way back when.

Ash: Oh, and your card game friends opened up a booth just like last time.

Me: Well, that's a minor twist and a slightly predictable one at that, but I couldn't tell if they were going to or not. Evidently they did.

Ash: I didn't play, but it seems they're doing great.

Me: Don't worry about that. I'll take care of it myself when I have the chance.

Goh: Anything else? What's in that white bag?

Ash: It's a trophy and a certificate. 

Goh: Wait, I thought you didn't win anything.

Ash: It's not from here - it's...

Me: OK, so this is a bit of an unrelated twist. The local photographer community decided to hold their own version of the WCA, possibly knowing what happened last time, and we got in - and properly win as a character this time. Thanks for picking up the award during the convention - and hey, it's a proper award too, not like the "pillow trophy" from the year before.

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["Nice job."]

Goh: Wow!

Me: Well, after all that, I think we can say that today was an "animal house" in more ways than one.

Ash: And it was really different too! The parts that aren't the same old, same old anyway.

Goh: Hey, you know, just like our friend said last year.

Me: Yes! So at least we can say that my claim is very true, and this convention remains very special.

Ash: And everything is (and was) always a real party!

Me: That's a thought. Today it may involve - for us and others - togas of a different kind, but there's a bit of that spirit there, not to mention this year's wacky theme.

Goh: Maybe it'll be there differently when Utsuru 10 comes around.

Me: (I heard about that.) But we'll make sure our Pokémon core is the same.

One year ago: AFA ID Returns
Three years ago: Good Builds for Unite?
Six years ago: Let's Go Take Pictures
Seven years ago: Community Days!

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