Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Thirteenth Cosplay Anniversary - In and Out of Solitude

Well now, it's been thirteen years since I formally started cosplaying, and today would be its anniversary. My specialty and preference is of course Pokémon cosplay, which is why it's on this blog when it is on for conventions, festivals, and such. It is also an effort that allows me to meet many other people and the characters they bring out through their cosplay, yet in a way I'm also finding myself as being alone in the effort at times. It's this going in and out of a state of "solitude" that I thought I'd take up as this year's topic of discussion.

The "solitude", of course, is due to the fact that Pokémon cosplay in my area is scant, unless people bring in their own surprises like Pikachu the other day or Charizard in the past, or a team project gets initiated - furthermore with my blessing. Thus, it's always a journey to go out of that "solitude" when I partake in conventions and festivals locally. Certainly, if I was in the U.S., chances are I might not have to venture much to get out of that situation, since Pokémon cosplay is more plentiful there due to the "mainstream" status.

It is true that I'm technically and physically never "alone" when I go to conventions and festivals, as I share other interests outside of Pokémon with other people. Yet I'm also often left up to my own devices outside of these situations and seemingly in a difficult position to ask for assistance, sometimes let alone to receive it. While at least going to conventions, festivals, and such might alleviate that condition temporarily, the rest of the way will take my own effort, which is acceptable yet could use some help in some cases.

At least, the rise of people providing cosplay services, like prop makers and rentals (the latter of which might have a presence on aggregators like a specific one) also lets me - and others - know that I'm not necessarily ever alone. Yet given that my focus is on Pokémon cosplay, even sometimes these services aren't too helpful for that purpose... and I'm right back where I started. This too is thus a "struggle" against a solitude, and they all may need to be utilized in the best way for the purpose of my Pokémon cosplay and others for theirs.

"Solitude" is not necessarily a bad thing, even now after I've been active for 13 years in cosplay, but having people to share that with is always a neat thing, and especially so in my case with Pokémon cosplay. So, the journey continues in order to be able to seek people to enjoy both Pokémon and cosplay together, and to deal wisely with the times when there aren't people for that purpose. Whatever the case, having Pokémon around is always a prerogative - especially in my case - and cosplay and other people will still be needed for that.

Happy thirteenth cosplay anniversary to me.

Eight years ago: Fifth Cosplay Anniversary

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