Monday, February 26, 2024

Twelfth Cosplay Anniversary - Fostering Hope

So, I had earlier noted my "cosplay anniversary" as I then discussed various aspects in relation to them and certainly Pokémon, with Go Tour intervening on the weekend, and now the day itself is at hand. It's a full twelve years of that, with a lot of that being devoted to Pokémon cosplay. It too has had its highs and lows, and I may be considered to have made a bit of a name for myself, even though the success is relatively minor in contrast to other cosplayers and/or other Pokémon fans with big names. For that, on the occasion of this anniversary, I would like to discuss a bit of a somber or reserved matter.

Recall that I had wrote up a few discussions in the preceding week on a few matters that relate to my cosplay, specifically conventions and/or elements featured in them. Quite a few of those matters and discussions were for matters that are less on the happy side, which I likened to "opening a Pandora's box" and letting out unsavory spirits. One matter, however, is on the happy side, and that represents the only one truly savory spirit - hope. I've had some time to think about that, and it also seems to describe my Pokémon cosplay situation to some extent, in that I'm "fostering hope" at the moment.

I've had the greatest time with my Ash costumes (outfits), and that will always be the case and they'll always be the mainstay of my Pokémon cosplay. Yet recently, I've had the feeling that it may not be enough to show my commitment and dedication to Pokémon cosplay - similar to the time where I started to take up singing competitions as an alternative outlet, even though that's not cosplay proper. I'm still "fostering hope" with these costumes, and that is still fine since they may still take some improvements.

To continue to establish that commitment and dedication, it may take something else (still related to Pokémon), though I'm not open to discussing those things at the moment. This is partially based on my observations of fellow cosplayers - and even visitors - at conventions and such, as well as the venues themselves. In a way, I may need to "foster hope" with those things and bring them to fruition; it may be that "push has come to shove" and now I need to attend to them to elevate ("foster") my hopes.

A lot of things have changed since I formally started cosplaying 12 years ago, some good and others not so good. But throughout all of those things and my penchant for Pokémon cosplay, there are glimmers, remnants, and pieces of hope. As I continue cosplaying while possible, it may be my task to gather them, bringing things to the next level. It may be just like a certain song: the message that I bear is one of hope - risen (fostered, in a way).

Happy twelfth cosplay anniversary to me.

Seven years ago: Fifth Cosplay Anniversary

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