Friday, February 2, 2024

In a Trainer's Bag

The bag is a tool familiar to pretty much any Pokémon Trainer, as it is the tool that a Trainer uses in order to store helpful items for one's journey. Those helpful items span a gamut of usefulness by their functions as well as that of quantity by the included amounts. They are even shaped by the different game contexts in which they are present. All told, those are factors to be explored, and it is fascinating to do so.

Some Trainers may only possess a limited set of items in their bag in both usage and quantity, much like how early generation main series games had a limit on the latter that also had effects on the former. They would believe in storing the most essential items with the most essential functions, like the best kind of Potion and Revive for their needs, and not much (if any) of any others of their kind. Their journeys would be strict and methodical, yet still ones that are manageable from their positions.

Others, meanwhile, have the sufficient set of items: just enough of certain (or most) items, and using those items when they get a bit too numerous - something easily achievable in Pokémon Go with its limited yet expandable capacity if necessary. They would have a greater range of items with more diverse functions, but likely in certain quantities to keep them in check. Trainers of this kind are likely those with journeys that are more free but still constrained in some ways, yet can work out either way as they progress.

Yet others carry the expansive set of items, which can be accomplished with the modern bag in the main series games, or having the greatest bag capacity in Pokémon Go to allow diversity in both item types and quantities. With this at their disposal, they're literally free to have most anything and everything, though they'll have to eventually use some of the items when certain conditions demand them to do so. Their journeys are also as such as a result, tending to have a very great degree of freedom as their items allow.

Even with the same bag, it's plain to see that Trainers can use them in different ways - with specific regard to contents and space - for whatever their journeys demand or wherever their journeys take them. The common denominator among these Trainers remains the familiarity with the bag as the main tool to store their items and the consequential usage of those items, no matter the context or the journey.

Four years ago: Total Experience
Five years ago: Legends Among People
Seven years ago: Pokkén Sentiments

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