Sunday, February 11, 2024

Being Wary of Things in Pokémon Games

For a good amount of time now, I've had to treat a certain place in my neighborhood with caution, as going through it may lead to undesirable results. In other words, I've had to "be wary" of that certain place. As expected, it may be considered a common process to many things, even those embedded in Pokémon. This post then concerns the potential things in Pokémon games that fans may have to be wary of or caution in their progress - including me.

Back in the days when I played the Mystery Dungeon games, I always had the wariness that traps may lie somewhere in a room that I'd just entered, particularly ones that have nasty effects like the PP 0 trap. There was also the concern that a Monster House would lie in the next room I'd visit, particularly in the dungeons where the field of vision is limited, and especially so when it's the last room on a floor that I haven't checked and it contains the all-important stairs. The wariness was often warranted and extreme. 

More recently, there is the wariness regarding the +1 Move bonus in Slow Cooking in Café Remix. Sometimes they appear on a puzzle stage unexpectedly while clearing (or at least, attempting to clear) the remaining obstacles on that puzzle stage. If the clear did happen, then the bonus(es) would effectively be unobtainable even as I move on to the next puzzle stage or end the current run if it's the last stage. This does not happen often, but the fact that it can and does happen leads to the wariness.

Then, there is also the wariness of having a recently-turned Ultra Buddy and going through an area with PokéStops that have not yet been spun, which may lead to the Buddy marking one of those PokéStops as something to be spun for bonuses. The hard thing is that the process only occurs at that moment, and restarting the game effectively eliminates this chance. It incurs a wariness on the same level as the Mystery Dungeon wariness above, especially if I may have forgotten to check the Ultra Buddy status.

Going back to that place in my neighborhood, I'd still have to consider whether I want or need to get through it and accept undesirable results if they should occur. That becomes a part of the wariness I have, as much as it is for the other kinds of wariness incurred in the above Pokémon games and their specific elements. For as long as the elements still exist and give rise to the wariness, sufficient heed of that may still be required.

Four years ago: To Eat and to Lure
Five years ago: A Pidove Keychain
Six years ago: Memories of Hoenn
Seven years ago: LINE Pokémon Stickers

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