Thursday, February 22, 2024

Isshoni Tanoshimimashou Under Fire

After going into one dormant local convention and a dormant entertainer that may be involved in them, now I'm going into another local convention - or rather, a festival - that is threatened to become dormant. And this happens to be one run by students of a college - mine, to be exact, which means I have a bit of a stake in it, however little that may be. It has always been an outlet for my Pokémon interests, moreover since my first time covering it on this blog, and the threat of it becoming dormant is a major alarm.

The reason is that while the execution of this year's edition (and last year's) appeared lackluster on the surface - aside from me (Ash) being able to perform in it this year - it has come to light that the organization of both is (was) somewhat messed up and may even be considered a "product of delusions" of the students who organized them. They seemed to have lost touch with what made the festival so popular and well-recognized in the past, albeit back then some "snags" had already started to manifest.

In fact, due to the poor organization, it seems apparent that the festival will be barred or postponed for some time ahead, and it won't be easy to get it going again. This is unless somehow the organizers of the past - including a few supportive educators to lend credence to the festival - step in and demonstrate how it's supposed to be organized and how to cater to its popularity for students and pop culture fans alike (including me as a Pokémon fan). That may be hard or even bordering on impossible.

Now, as for the Pokémon pertinence of this, I still haven't had a chance to get a cosplay performance into the competition even though I've always wanted to, and now it seems I may never will. I will likely have to find another festival or convention in order to be able to put out another (try at a) cosplay performance, which of course will likely feature Ash somehow. On the other hand, I've had Ash in the cosplay walk (IC: "character parade") and performing with a band, and that's accomplishment enough - though I do desire more.

Goh: That's terrible!

Me: I know, and I wish I could've done something myself - even though it's not technically "mine".

Ash: So... no more IT?

Me: Looks like it, unless something magically happens.

Pikachu: Chu... pika. ["Shame... really."]

Me: In any case, I'll keep a watch on this.

Goh: Well, I realize it's important for you, so you want this to be always successful.

Ash: If your school does something like this, it probably won't be like this, right?

Goh: Absolutely. That would just be terrible.

Me: So you see what I mean. "Let's have fun together" is important, but it also has to be done well.

Goh: Oh! That's what it means.

Pikachu: Chu! ["True!"]

Me: Indeed.

For some reason or another, it seems that some conventions or festivals in my local area run into a problem eventually, if they haven't already. This one of my college has sadly gravitated to such a tendency, and that's not only disappointing to me as a pop culture (Pokémon) fan, but it should be also to past organizers and my college in general. It'll likely take some time before this festival (or even a new concept for it) can succeed again, but that may be the chance to be taken, given its established presence.

Three years ago: (Pokémon) Songs as Advice
Seven years ago: Back in the Park

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