Monday, February 12, 2024

Pokémon Figures for the Rest of Us

Today is actually a special day, if only for a select group of people, specifically Pokémon fans. It is the seventh anniversary of my regional figure group, for which one earlier anniversary some years ago had been covered (see below). Even after all these years, the group still maintains a presence with a few dedicated members, and it bubbles up with activity from time to time. I'm not as dedicated, but I'm still part of the group nonetheless. That got me to think about Pokémon figures that work well for those who are less dedicated or in a sense are limited by certain constraints - simply stated, "for the rest of us".

A few characteristics seem to have to apply to these figures. One crucial one is the price - for which official ones tend to command high ones as well; this has to be toned down (slightly) for them to be obtainable by less dedicated or more constrained fans, while maintaining the expected quality given the lower price point. Size becomes another one as well, since they may not be expected to possess the facilities to store or display them (properly), even if they'll find ways to do so. In essence, simpler characteristics are more likely to benefit them.

Based on these characteristics, the figures that would suit them are likely to be ones for the mass market (like the Face Off figures from some time ago), given away promotionally through fast food chains (even if they're technically or partially toys), or else custom-made but still crafted with some quality, especially in the regard of coloring or painting them. It may still be a hard thing to realize these, and the finds might be serendipitous, but even less dedicated or more constrained fans might just find ways to obtain them for their collection.

It is perhaps difficult to make justifications for figures that satisfy the interest of fans with less interest in them, or who are conditional in getting them. I may be one of those fans myself, even with my collection. Yet some figures may just appeal to them if they look great and conditions are right for obtaining them. Speaking of, it might just take a few other right conditions for me to partake in group activities again, whatever that might be. 

Four years ago: Pokémon as a Study Aid
Five years ago: A Pikachu Pillow Keychain
Six years ago: Anywhere Is

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