Wednesday, February 7, 2024

The Colors of the Flabébé Species Family

Quite a few Pokémon fans will recognize a particular species family that is made up of three flowery Pokémon species, as the Flabébé species family. Flabébé is of course its base member, which evolves to Floette and then Florges. A particular trait of this species family is the color of the individual species, which is specifically determined and retained with evolution. It is also known that colors (may) have certain symbolism, so this becomes a point that makes for a good bit of discussion.

As a review, the Pokémon of this species family come in five colors: red, blue, yellow, white, and orange, in roughly increasing rarity in at least one respect. Incidentally, I've discussed the first four colors elsewhere on this blog in two posts, both early in my blogging years, in two pairs. That means orange is the only color I haven't discussed its possible symbolism, and for the purpose of this discussion, orange can be construed as the color of adventure and creativity. With that, all the colors are accounted for.

The symbolisms of the colors could be considered to be somewhat representative of the possible natures that Pokémon species may have, at least if they are "shoehorned". While they don't necessarily correlate, preferring to have any of them might indicate what one might look for in certain Pokémon; and if one is like Goh, then one might prefer to have them all just like he has them (or had them, by now) in the anime. In that way, some representations might still be had, especially with the main color symbolisms as a guide.

It is important to note that Pokémon Go treats these colors differently: red is exclusive to Europe, Middle East, and Africa; blue is exclusive to Asia Pacific; yellow is exclusive to North and South America; and white and orange are global but rare and exceedingly rare. As well, Pokémon Shuffle shows the first two members without their colored flowers, while Florges is red only, perhaps to demonstrate a "neutral" stance. So, the colors might not mean anything in the regard of these two games - or one can take what one wills.

Flabébé and its kin could indeed be considered a unique species family for the differentiator that it possesses, as their colors. They might mean strong and likeable qualities, specific aspects of certain Pokémon, or regional representation... or even relatively nothing. Yet with the way colors are, something is still to be gained to some extent, and that may be up to the individual Trainer to decide. However one decides, Flabébé and its kin are still out there, waiting to complement a person appropriately.

Two years ago: All Star, All Pokémon
Four years ago: Turning Around and Back
Six years ago: An Eye for Pokémon
Seven years ago: Conserve and Cooperate

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