Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Living on Pokémon Islands

The world of Pokémon mirrors the real-life world, including that of its "Earth". As a result, it also has its typical landforms, including islands - something I've addressed in the past. Furthermore, the various regions affirm that people and Pokémon alike can establish lives on these islands... though evidently the islands are not all equal in stature. It is this point and the characteristics they beget that seems worthy of some exploration.

Some people live on the "Right Island" of Hoenn, which represents a major landmass of the region. It's a relatively big island and it's also still relatively connected to the rest of the region by land byways and a minor water byway. People and Pokémon here are likely to have an easier time living because of those connections, even if the region itself is archipelagic and insular, and thus may be hard to get to from other parts of the world.

Cinnabar Island is then a matter that is as similar as it is different. It's still a part of the Kanto region, but it's separated by some great waterways, which addresses the concerns above as with the Hoenn region in general. Life could be somewhat harder here because of its isolated location, and understandably so with consideration of a certain happening between the introductions of Kanto and Johto. It's still a difficult position nonetheless.

Perhaps in a more difficult position is the Fiore region, which is even more insular than Hoenn and may be separated by even greater distances, which could make external connections even harder. Yet the people of the region still seems to have it easy among themselves, which might not seem to make things as problematic. It could be considered Hoenn on a miniature scale and one that still works out in its own ways.

Life still managing to flourish in these island areas in Pokémon world regions is certainly still something no less than miraculous - or just typical, considering their similarities with certain parts of the real world. And while Pokémon species don't manifest in the latter, similar challenges beyond Pokémon species still arise, and that's just the way life is in general. Having that mirrored in the Pokémon world is something to behold.

Four years ago: In My Full Time
Six years ago: Life with My Raid Group

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