Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Pokémon Day 2024 - 28th Anniversary

For Pokémon fans, today's date needs no introduction, at least for those long in the tooth. Today is, of course, Pokémon Day, the celebration of the day that started it all in 1996 with the release of the first Pokémon games. Now, 28 years later, the immensity, breadth, and reach of the franchise is astounding, beyond that of two RPGs that started out in the Land of the Rising Sun. On the occasion of this anniversary, it is thus appropriate to discuss connections in the franchise, especially for its fans, given such a rounded and curving number.

Like the individual digits of that number, some fans can take a point-to-point approach to the games (progress from one game to another, fulfilling certain goals in each) or a roundabout approach (continuing progress in mostly one game, repeating goal fulfillments there). Either approach is welcome for specific fans, and it's all a matter of how they can make the necessary connections for their progressions. With the multitude of games that the franchise now has, this matter becomes more pertinent than ever.

Then, there is the matter of fans connecting with each other. They can make one-time connections with others as they progress through life, and they can also make repeated connections with others of their circle. Moreover, it's not likely that fans will be exclusive with one process or the other; it's more likely that both will be involved. Though it seems par for the course of social relations, it's especially important to recognize that Pokémon fans do the same, and their actions make the franchise go further.

Past years had also included an edition of Pokémon Presents on this day, and this year was no different. As it's significant, I can't explain it all within the confines of this post, but a preview of the most significant points is always appropriate. So for this edition, those points are celebrations galore (appropriately)... abbreviated (or even abridged) cards... and legend of legends (and even "last" to "first"). A lot of that sounds tantalizing and "connective", and that is the case - especially once they can all be explained in a separate post to come.

With the franchise being what it is, it's apparent that many connections can be made, more so for those who stand by its side. Certainly, more connections can stand to be made with more progressions, and that seems evident even today. They contribute to make the franchise even more immense and broad beyond its humble beginnings in a certain corner of the world. Now, obviously, the world is finding its connections with Pokémon and putting it through the winding road that is life - as winding as this year's anniversary number.

Happy 28th anniversary.

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