Thursday, February 29, 2024

Leap Year Day 2024: Leaps and Bounds

Of course, the reason why this February hasn't quite ended is because this year is a leap year, and it's the second one that I've come upon since I've started this blog. Appropriately for this Pokémon Go season, it's one last "timeless travel", as it recurs almost every four years, and this is one such time. As such, the sentiments of my previous post on that date (see below) - the only one thus far - continue to apply. But certainly, I'd like to add some additional sentiments on this instance of its recurrence, and that would include some Pokémon ones as well.

When thinking about things that leap, frogs come to mind, and in a Pokémon sense, that would mean frog Pokémon, the likes of Politoed and the more recently introduced Bellibolt. They make leaps and bounds in their own ways - one in water and the other with electricity. They could be considered an analogue of hardcore and dedicated fans who also make leaps and bounds in similar ways, having intensities of their own. These kinds of fans (and the Pokémon by extension) are laudable, especially if good relations can be made with them and they have the purest heart possible.

Although less "hardcore", Spoink as the Bounce Pokémon is known for its leaping ways in that it has to continue leaping; if not, it will erase its own existence. It makes its own leaps and bounds - perhaps it's a little more bounded than it is leaping - but at least the sense of its dedication is there. In this way, it is thus the analogue of dedicated but not as hardcore fans, and they're a laudable group of people as far as Pokémon is concerned, just as much as those in the other camp.

Personally, I consider myself to fall into the latter camp, also as I've put in an explanation from some years ago that still remains true today, and particularly in contrast to the fellow fans I spend my time with. Some people might instead consider me to fall into the former camp instead, and that could be perfectly fine if they insist; it would be a "leap" of their perceptions instead of mine, and I'd still welcome that. Like a Spoink, my attraction to Pokémon continues to motor my life, and like a Politoed or Bellibolt, I still leap to action when things, especially matters of Pokémon, demand it.

Getting to another leap year day is nonetheless an achievement for this daily blog on things related to Pokémon as well as my take on them according to my life. That's a big leap from the previous occasion of this post, and I want to consider that as possibilities for bigger leaps (into Pokémon, particularly) in the future. It is a certainty that Pokémon will follow suit - especially if Pokémon Presents the other day is of any indication - so we'll all have to be ready for whatever big leaps will come next... and then to actually make that leap, beyond this day.

Happy Leap Year Day.

Four years ago: It's Leap Year Day!
Also check out posts from February 28 (yesterday) and March 1 (tomorrow).

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