Friday, March 1, 2024

The Season of World of Wonders

OK, now it's really the start of a new season with the start of this month. For this one, the hint in the end of season post is "world" and "wonder". Thus, this season is called "World of Wonders", the first with three words and a joiner since the season system began. It also makes it sound slightly weird as I keep using the "Seasons of" moniker in front of it, but I take it in stride as it's had been the way that things were once conducted. Anyway, with a title like that, this season seems to promise quite a bit in store.

The promotional image for this season contains a blend of vibrant colors, much like those in a series of animated films that also take "wonder", "magic", and similarly related characteristics as their pride. The image also can be likened to a circus - perhaps more figuratively than literally - which often do have a lot going for them, including attractions and colors. Given the above, it seems that the aspects for this season are all set to be visited over its course and revisited later on when the season ends.

As for the game that brings about the titular season, details of its first few events are already at hand, including an "impromptu" one on Sunday, one that literally celebrates some of the things I detailed above, and - for those who keep up with me and can make it - a certain "Island of Paradise" event. As I'm wont to do, I'll be taking part in them as best as I possibly can, and their "wonder" and "magic" might just be self-revealing. And there's surely much more of that over the rest of the three months of this season.

With regard to other Pokémon games, they have their own wonders, and they'll reveal in due time. Even Pokémon Presents a little while ago gave a head start on what they could be, and that still needs to get on to be explained. The "wonders" may or may not correspond to those presented by Pokémon Go this season, but if anything, they ought to be rather similar. Certainly, they also have their own "magic" and "colors", owing to the fact that they are completely different games, yet still one alongside Pokémon.

I previously stated that Pokémon possesses wonder in all its elements and presents them in its games as well as various media, and that is a very nice thing indeed. Now with this new Pokémon Go season - World of Wonders - there are proving grounds for that in Pokémon Go specifically and the broader Pokémon franchise in general. Again, the two don't (or won't) necessarily correlate, but whatever correlation is present, they might just be indicative of any and all wonderment.

Two years ago: The Season of Alola
Three years ago: The Season of Legends
Four years ago: Cosplay: March Funtastico
Five years ago: In Living Galar
Seven years ago: Posters

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