Thursday, March 28, 2024

One Item, Indefinitely?

While on the subject of items, by now, most Pokémon fans will know about one of the glitches in the first generation main series games that duplicates a certain item to a practically indefinite (though not unlimited) amount. It's certainly a glitch in the sense that it should not happen, though it does pose a hypothetical question: if one could have one item to an indefinite amount, what item would that be? Obviously, there could be many different answers, but I can try to explain a few of them here.

A contender in this regard would certainly be capture balls of any sort. Supposing that the obvious choice of Master Ball is off-limits due to the difficulty of procuring it, then the next-best choice of Ultra Ball could work for many Trainers. A Trainer could even opt to have Great Balls or Poké Balls indefinitely if their throwing prowess is as such that it renders better balls unnecessary, though given the choice, it is still likely that any Trainer will opt for Ultra Balls or Master Balls if at all possible.

If Trainers don't require indefinite capture balls, they may instead opt for healing items, as Potions and Revives. This would perhaps be justified if those Trainers already have a healthy supply of battle-ready Pokémon and all they would be doing is battling other Pokémon, whether those of other Trainers or in the wild - providing that captures are rarely made in the latter case. It is also likely that they will opt for Potions rather than (Max) Revives due to the "ethical implications" of continuing to let Pokémon faint.

Some Trainers could possibly also prefer to have items that double as food, like Berries, things like the Lava Cookie or Malasada, and beverages like the Soda Pop. The rationale for this could be that if their Pokémon don't need to use them, then Trainers themselves can use the items for sustenance. Given that they can be and are regularly consumed by people and Pokémon alike, this makes a whole lot of sense. This would still be a fringe case, yet it's one that could totally be justified.

The possibility of having indefinite items, in any case, is still a remote one that only a glitch has been able to manifest, meaning that it is not realistically meant to be. Yet it's still a thought-provoking exercise to determine what items Trainers could demand for such a condition and the usage scenarios that arise out of that condition. Whether or not items could be had indefinitely, items are still essential for any Trainer, and how they make do with usage and amount becomes the key to their success in the world.

Seven years ago: A Pikachu Wall Hanging

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